*Bird Flu "Pandemic" - Early Warning

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*Bird Flu "Pandemic" - Early Warning

Campbell M Gold.com
Published by Campbell M Gold in Allopathic · Friday 23 Aug 2024 ·  4:00
Tags: BirdFluPandemicEarlyWarningFakePandemicPsyopBirdFluPandemicCOVIDGovernmentResponseFakeNews
Bird Flu "Pandemic" - Early Warning

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Here comes the "100 Times Worse than COVID-19" Bird-Flu "Pandemic" Psy-Op

Right on schedule, the powers that be are warning that they plan to unleash another fake pandemic psy-op, this time based on so-called bird flu...

According to "science," the coming bird flu pandemic will be "100 times worse than COVID" – not because it is a real threat, but because the government's response to all the fake news about it will be unlike anything this world has ever seen!

Also known as "H5N1," this bird flu supposedly has a "new strain." It was detected in 2020 when COVID-19 appeared out of nowhere and started spreading.

Wild birds in every US state supposedly tested "positive" for this new strain of bird flu, as have commercial poultry and backyard flocks. Mammals are also supposedly testing positive for it, which is impossible if not for "gain-of-function" tampering.

And now, a human has supposedly tested positive for the new bird flu in Texas, prompting the media to start spreading the psy-op in anticipation of the next pandemic.

"This virus [has been] on the top of the pandemic list for many, many years and probably decades," stated Dr. Suresh Kuchipudi, a bird flu researcher out of Pittsburgh.

"And now we're getting dangerously close to this virus potentially causing a pandemic."

Please Don't Fall for It.

Kuchipudi maintains that H5N1 has already been detected in species worldwide, showing "the ability to infect a range of mammalian hosts, including humans."

Again, the only way so-called bird flu could transfer from birds to mammals is if researchers tampered with it using "gain-of-function research," which is believed by some to have been how COVID was unleashed.

"So, therefore, in my view, I think this is a virus that has the greatest pandemic threat [that is] playing out in plain sight and globally present," Kuchipudi added.

Big Pharma is chomping at the bit for this next fake pandemic to launch as it will bring in a new profit stream for greedy pharmaceutical executives.

"This appears to be 100 times worse than COVID – or it could be if it mutates and maintains its high case fatality rate," salivated John Fulton, a pharmaceutical industry consultant for vaccines and founder of the Canada-based BioNiagara. "Once it's mutated to infect humans, we can only hope that the [fatality rate] drops."

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that more than half of all humans who have contracted H5N1 since 2003, when it was first unveiled, have died.

Compare this to the less than 0.1 per cent of people who "catch COVID" and end up dying from it.

Like COVID, so-called H5N1 bears all the symptomatic hallmarks of the regular seasonal flu, which is probably all it is.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the dairy worker in Texas who supposedly tested positive for the latest strain of H5N1 also has "eye redness (consistent with conjunctivitis)."

"The patient was told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral drug for [the] flu," the CDC said.

"The U.S. government is taking this situation very seriously," added CDC Director Mandy Cohen.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a statement claiming that "the current risk to the public remains low," even if a few cases in humans are being reported.

If the dairy worker caught H5N1 from infected cattle, Cohen says this could mean that the fake virus has already "mutated. "

"We had not seen avian flu in cattle before last week," Cohen said. "That is new. It is a reservoir for [the] virus to circulate and potentially change."

The latest news about the next fake pandemic can be found at Plague.info.



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