*Thoughts on Religion - Lloyd M Graham

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*Thoughts on Religion - Lloyd M Graham

Campbell M Gold.com
Published by Campbell M Gold in Esoteric · Sunday 25 Aug 2024 ·  5:00
Tags: ThoughtsonReligionLloydMGrahamMythologyRealityGodsDevilsHeroesSaviours
Thoughts on Religion - Lloyd M Graham

This material, filled with sensitive and controversial content, is presented here not to influence your opinions but to ignite your academic curiosity. The information and interpretations herein do not reflect any opinion of this editor or our clients. Instead, they invite you to delve into a contentious but crucial re-evaluation.

Our thanks are given to Mr Graham for these thoughts...

Lloyd M. Graham said: "In creation, sometimes called 'Involution', quantity is made but no quality (moral or rational). In evolution, quality is made but no quantity. Herein lies the error of scriptural theology."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "Those who read only Hebrew mythology believe there was only one Christ and Saviour; they do not know that there were at least sixteen... Uninformed Christians, and that means most of them, believe that only their Saviour suffered death on a cross, whereas some sixteen of them died in just this way. A list may help the credulous to escape their crucifixion upon the cross of superstition: Jesus - Nazareth, Krishna - India, Sakia - India, Iva - Nepal, Indra - Tibet, Mithra - Persia, Tammuz - Babylonia, Criti - Chaldea, Attis - Phrygia, Baili - Orissa, Thules - Egypt, Orontes - Egypt, Witoba of  the - Telingonese, Odin - Scandinavia, Hesus - the Druids, Quetzalcoatl - Mexico."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "Why do world saviours never write books? The answer is simple - world saviours don't make books, because books make them. World saviours are the creations of mythologists, not historians; of occultists, not literalists."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "There were many historians just then (around the time of Christ), and some of them the most illustrious of all time - Tacitus, Plutarch, Livy, the two Plinys, Philo, and Josephus, among others; and besides these, many men of literary note such as Seneca, Martial, Juvenal, Epictetus, Plotinus, and Porphyry. We are all too prone to forget the brilliancy of this period, yet this was the age of Virgil, Horace, and Ovid, the latter living till Christ, if real, would have been twenty-two [Christ would have been 22]. These were all men of great intellect, and deeply interested in the doctrines and morals of their day. Why then did they not record this wonder-working Saviour of the race? Because, like all Saviours, he belongs to mythology, not history."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "The truth is, there is not a single word about Christ, divine or otherwise, in secular literature dating from the first century."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "Long before religion existed, man learned from nature the facts of Reality, and put them into a form of narrative known as mythology. In this the impersonal forces were personified, they were given names, they became gods, and devils, heroes, and saviours. As the natural facts underlying them were forgotten, the personifications became the realities, endowed with moral instead of creative qualities. And here, mythology became theology."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "This ignorant Christian custom of eating and drinking commonplace bread and wine in the hope of gaining some Christ-like virtue, is but a relic of the savage rite of Omophagia (the eating and drinking of another person's or animal's flesh and blood, to acquire his or its qualities, strength, courage, and so on). But the 'civilized', so-called, have gone the savage one better; they eat a god instead of a man, and so the savage's Anthropophagy (eating humans) is now Theanthropophagy (eating gods)."

  • Omophagia - The eating and drinking of another person's or animal's flesh and blood, to acquire their qualities, strength, courage, and so on.

  • Anthropophagy - Cannibalism - The eating of humans.

  • Theanthropophagy -Theocannibalism - The eating of Gods.

Lloyd M. Graham said: "(Commenting on Pilate's trial of Jesus - (Matt 27:1-24)) In the nineteenth century an eminent scholar, Rabbi Wise, searched the records of Pilate's court, still extant, for evidence of this trial. He (Rabbi Wise) found nothing... And if we were as wise as Pilate, we too would wash our hands of it."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "Why is it we mortals assume the unknown part of Reality is "holy"?"

Lloyd M. Graham said: "Where then is the God of love and mercy? There's not a trace of him in Revelation [the New Testament], nor yet in Ezekiel [the Old Testament]. Neither is there in the Pentateuch [The Five Books of Moses]. The God of Joshua is but the same mad 'beast' revelling in blood and battle. No, save for the Gospels, which are truth perverted for benefit of clergy, there is only savagery, cruelty, pain, and death in the Bible. And this is what constitutes its [the Bible's] truth; the rest are lies. Savagery, cruelty, pain, and death are the way of life, and therefore 'the will of God'."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "The religionists have some reason for opposing the scientific theory, ape to man, for it is not true. Man was never in the animal kingdom. Turn back the evolutionary clock, and man would disappear on the threshold of the animal kingdom. Is man then a special creation? No, he is a special ideation."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "Let's stick to the known and real, make that the object of our faith, and knowledge of it, the object of our search."

Lloyd M. Graham said: "The philosophy of Christianity consists of false knowledge due mainly to misunderstood scripture... Right understanding comes from knowing, not just believing."




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