13 Principles of Manifestation - Think and Grow Rich
Published by Campbell M Gold in Esoteric · Wednesday 26 Jun 2024 · 14:15
Tags: 13, Principles, Manifestation, Think, and, Grow, Rich, Napoleon, Hill, Left, brain, thought, Subconscious, mind, Success
Tags: 13, Principles, Manifestation, Think, and, Grow, Rich, Napoleon, Hill, Left, brain, thought, Subconscious, mind, Success
Manifestation through the power of thought and the subconscious mind
Napoleon Hill's 13 principles are based on the theory that "thoughts have power."
By filling our minds with "positive, constructive, and successful thoughts," our conscious and subconscious minds will act upon what is most often present and manifest a reflection.
By being aware of our dominant thoughts, we can achieve excellent health, wealth, and success. To achieve our desired success, we must focus our minds on intense desires, create specific plans, and unconditionally believe we can achieve our goals.
Napoleon Hill’s 13 principles
1 - Desire
- Visualise the specific amount of money you desire.
- Determine what you are willing to give in return for the money you desire.
- Set a definite date for when you expect to have the money.
- Create a specific plan to achieve your desire and implement it immediately, regardless of your current readiness.
- Write a clear statement outlining the amount of money you intend to acquire, the time limit for its acquisition, what you will give in return, and your plan for accumulating it.
- Read your written statement aloud twice daily before bed and upon waking up.
- As you read, visualise and feel yourself already possessing the money.
2 - Faith
Faith is the “eternal elixir” that gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought!
(Napoleon Hill)
- I can achieve my life's definite purpose.
- I am dedicated to consistently taking action to achieve it.
- I understand that my dominant thoughts will gradually become my physical reality, so I will spend 30 minutes each day envisioning the person I aspire to become.
- I acknowledge that any desire I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression, so I will spend 10 minutes developing self-confidence each day.
- I have documented my definite chief aim in life and will persist until I have developed enough self-confidence to achieve it.
- I will only engage in transactions that benefit everyone involved.
- I will succeed by attracting the resources I need and by gaining the cooperation of others.
- I will inspire others to help me by being willing to help them.
- I will eliminate negative emotions by developing a love for all of humanity.
- I will make others believe in me by believing in them and myself.
- I will sign my name to this plan, memorise it, and recite it aloud once a day with complete faith that it will gradually influence my thoughts and actions, helping me become a self-reliant and successful person.
Autosuggestion involves the power of self-suggestion to access the subconscious mind and shape it with positive thoughts. In modern terms, it is often referred to as visualisation, a method life coaches use to influence the subconscious by repeatedly imprinting a possibility.
- Find an Ideal Environment - Look for a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed.
- Close Your Eyes and Speak Aloud - State the written statement of how much money you desire, the time limit for its accomplishment, and the description of the service or product you intend to offer for the money.
- Repeat—Do this in the morning and at night until you can visualise the money you wish to accumulate.
- Written Copy - Place a written copy of your statement where you can see it in the morning and at night. Please read it before bed and after waking up until you have memorised it.
4 - Specialised Knowledge
Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when and if organised into definite action plans and directed to a definite end.
(Napoleon Hill)
- Knowledge in a specialised and valuable field holds the key to power and wealth.
- Knowledge alone may not lead to financial success unless it is well-organised and strategically applied through practical plans to accumulate wealth.
- Invest time and resources into formal and informal education to enhance specialised knowledge. This may involve selecting highly specialised courses in your chosen field.
Understood as “the workshop of the mind,” imagination can be classified into two forms:
- Synthetic Imagination is the ability to arrange old concepts, ideas, or plans into new combinations. It harnesses experience, education, and observations and is mainly used by inventors.
- Creative Imagination is where man's finite mind communicates directly with Infinite Intelligence. It is represented through "hunches," "inspirations" or "intuitions" the subconscious receives.
6 - Organised Planning
To make abstract ideas concrete, create an action plan through several steps.
a) Form a Mastermind Group - Connect with people who share your goals and values to develop and implement your plan.
Before forming the group, think about the benefits you can bring to the table. Schedule meetings with your team at least twice a week, or more frequently if needed, and aim to maintain strong teamwork and rapport with every member.
b) Build Your Leadership Capability - Embrace the attributes of leadership
Attributes of leadership:
- Unwavering courage
- Self-control
- Keen sense of justice
- Definiteness of decision
- Definiteness of plans
- Doing more than being paid for
- Pleasing personality – leaders can’t be slovenly or careless
- Sympathy, empathy and understanding
- Mastery of detail
- Willingness to assume full responsibility
- Cooperation with others
Avoid the failures of leadership:
- Inability to organise details
- Unwillingness to render humble service
- Expectation of pay for what we “know” instead of what we do with what we know
- Fear of competition from followers
- Lack of imagination
- Selfishness
- Intemperance (e.g. losing control using alcohol, drugs, or other vices)
- Disloyalty
- Emphasis of title
c) Apply for the Right Position - You need to understand how to market your "personal services" as an individual to an organisation and secure the job you desire.
This process involves looking for suitable opportunities through different channels, such as job advertisements, employment agencies, letters of application, and personal networks.
It also involves creating a compelling CV, which includes a resume and a cover letter.
Steps to consider when applying for a job:
- Determine the specific job role you are interested in.
- Select the company or individual you want to work for.
- Research the policies, personnel, and opportunities for advancement within your prospective employer.
- Emphasise what you can offer the employer rather than just focusing on getting a job.
- Develop a strong CV, resume summary, and cover letter.
- Submit your application to the person with the authority to make hiring decisions.
- Quality of service means performing every aspect of your role in the most efficient manner possible to achieve greater effectiveness.
- Quantity of service involves providing all the service within your capability to increase the service rendered as you develop more significant skills.
- Spirit of service entails maintaining agreeable, harmonious conduct to encourage cooperation among fellow employees and associates.
e) Conduct a Self-Assessment - Conducting a personal inventory assessment can help you avoid significant causes of failure. Refer to the Appendix for a list of questions you can use.
f) Look for Opportunities - Your plan should include identifying opportunities to gain wealth. This can be done in virtually any industry where market demand outstrips supply.
7 – Decision
Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth.
(Napoleon Hill)
It is essential to make your own decisions and ignore the opinions of others, including the media, associates, family, friends, and others.
Good decisions often require great courage. However, they are the ones worthwhile to act upon.
8 - Persistence
Persistence is the foundation of any worthwhile pursuit. It enables you to overcome failures and persevere on the path to success - 4-steps are identified:
- Definite Purpose - Backed by a burning desire for fulfilment.
- Definite Plan - Expressed by continuous action.
- Independent Mind - Closed against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions from associates, relatives, friends and acquaintances.
- Friendly Alliance - Form a Mastermind with one or more individuals who will support you in achieving your goals and objectives.
9 - Power of the Master Mind
Defined as “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose,” forming a Master Mind multiplies your brain power.
For example, Andrew Carnegie’s Master Mind group consisted of 50 staff members he surrounded himself with to manufacture and market steel.
By identifying and enlisting people in your Master Mind group, you can increase your brain power. In this case, it refers to the organised effort required to enable you as an individual to “transmute desire into its monetary equivalent.”
10 - The Mystery of Sexual Transmutation
When driven by this desire (i.e. sex), men develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times.
(Napoleon Hill)
Consider this two-step approach to channel sexual energy positively:
- Keep your mind engaged to function at a high level, bringing the same intensity and desire as a sexual encounter.
- Focus on the known aspects of your creation and form a clear mental picture of the unknown elements. Maintain this image in your mind until the subconscious absorbs it, then await the revelation of the answer.
The emotion of sex stands at the head of the list of human emotions as far as intensity and driving force are concerned… The result of sex transmutation is the increase of thoughts to such a pitch that the creative imagination becomes highly receptive to ideas.
(Napoleon Hill)
11 - The Subconscious Mind
To energise and program the subconscious mind with positive thoughts, one should use autosuggestion, focusing on the seven positive emotions:
- Desire
- Faith
- Love
- Sex
- Enthusiasm
- Romance
- Hope
Conversely, one should avoid the seven negative emotions:
Critical - An additional concept here involves the impact of prayer and meditation. It is believed that if you pray or meditate for something but harbour doubts about receiving it, your efforts will be unsuccessful.
- Fear
- Jealously
- Hatred
- Revenge
- Greed
- Superstition
- Anger
12 - The Brain
Equating the brain to a “transceiver for thought” helps us understand its functions in processing thoughts and subconscious activities:
The creative imagination is the "receiving set" of the brain, which receives thoughts released by the brains of others… When stimulated or stepped up to a high rate of vibration, the mind becomes more receptive to thought, which reaches it through outside sources.
The subconscious mind is the ‘sending station’ of the brain, through which vibrations of thought are broadcast. The creative imagination is the ‘receiving set’ through which the energies of thoughts are picked up.
…the principle of autosuggestion, which is the medium by which you may put into operation your "broadcasting" station.
(Napoleon Hill)
13 - The Sixth Sense
Some call "The Sixth Sense" an "intuition" or “hunch”. Others call it a “genius” or “muse”.
Regardless of where your inspiration comes from, it is suggested that you strengthen your intuition by developing a group of "Invisible Counsellors" in your creative imagination. In Hill's case, his "Invisible Counsellors" included John Emerson, Thomas Paine, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon Bonaparte, Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie.
By creating an imaginary cabinet, you can access the ideas, thoughts, and knowledge of these individuals in your mind, thus helping to dispel negative influences.
On your journey to success, be aware that six basic fears can derail your efforts. Avoid them at all costs:
- Poverty
- Criticism
- Poor Health
- Loss of Love
- Old Age
- Death
- Recognise that you have willpower that can be put into constant use.
- Recognise that you are susceptible to all six basic fears.
- Set up habits to counteract those fears.
- Recognise that negative influences work through your subconscious mind.
- Keep your mind closed against all people who depress or discourage you in any way.
- Clean out your medicine cupboard, throw away the chemical pills, and stop pandering to your hypochondria.
- Deliberately seek the company of people who influence you to think and act for yourself.
- Never expect trouble, as it tends not to disappoint.
"Think and Grow Rich," from which the preceding material was adapted, is considered one of the iconic books in self-help literature.
Despite being written over 87 years ago (01 Jan 1937), its principles are still valid today (2024) in the digital and social age of the 21st Century.
While some of Hill’s philosophies and principles are unconventional (e.g., “Sex Transmutation” and “Sixth Sense”), their actual lessons are still relevant today.
Many "personal development gurus" (such as Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Norman Vincent Peale, and Bob Proctor) have embraced and presented Hill's ideas.
Napoleon Hill's Self-Analysis Questionnaire:
1 - Have I attained the goal(s) which I established as my objective(s) for this year?
12 - Have I wasted my energy through a lack of concentration or effort?
13 - Have I been open-minded and tolerant with all subjects and all persons?
14 - In what way have I improved my giving service?
15 - Have I been intemperate (excessive) in my habits?
16 - Have I expressed, either openly or secretly, any form of egotism?
17 - Has my conduct towards others been such that it has caused them to respect me?
18 - Have my opinions and decisions been based on guesswork or accuracy of analysis and thought?
19 - Have I followed the habit of budgeting my time, income, and expenses, and have I been conservative in the budgets?
2 - Have I delivered service of the best possible quality of which I was capable, or could I have improved any part of this service?
3 - Have I delivered service in the most significant possible quantity I could?
4 - Has the spirit of my conduct always been harmonious and cooperative?
5 - Have I permitted the habit of procrastination to decrease my efficiency, and if so, to what extent?
6 - Have I improved my personality? And if so, in what ways?
7 - Have I been persistent in following my plans through completion?
8 - Have I reached decisions promptly and definitely on all occasions?
9 - Have I permitted one or more of the six basic fears to decrease my efficiency?
10 - Have I been either "over-cautious" or "under-cautious"?
11 - Have my relationships with associates been pleasant or unpleasant? Has it been partly or wholly my fault if it has been unwelcome?12 - Have I wasted my energy through a lack of concentration or effort?
13 - Have I been open-minded and tolerant with all subjects and all persons?
14 - In what way have I improved my giving service?
15 - Have I been intemperate (excessive) in my habits?
16 - Have I expressed, either openly or secretly, any form of egotism?
17 - Has my conduct towards others been such that it has caused them to respect me?
18 - Have my opinions and decisions been based on guesswork or accuracy of analysis and thought?
19 - Have I followed the habit of budgeting my time, income, and expenses, and have I been conservative in the budgets?
20 - How much time have I devoted to unprofitable effort which I might have used to better advantage?
21 - How many times will I budget my time and change my habits so I will become more efficient this coming year?22 - Have I been guilty of conduct not approved by my conscience?
23 - In what ways have I given more and better service than I was paid for?
24 - Have I been unfair to anyone, and if so, in what way?
25 - Would I have been satisfied with my purchase if I had been the purchaser of my services for the year?
26 - Am I in the proper vocation, and if not, why not?
27 - Has the purchaser of my services been satisfied with my service? If not, why not?
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