Covid - Complemntary Thoughts - 3 1/2 Yrs On

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Covid - Complemntary Thoughts - 3 1/2 Yrs On

Campbell M
Published by Campbell M Gold in Alternative · Wednesday 12 Jun 2024 ·  8:30
Tags: Covid19ComplementaryThoughtsTreatmentsVirusStrains2021
Alternative coronavirus approaches.

Check out our blog post "Covid-19 Complementary Thoughts - 3 1/2 Yrs On" and review alternative thoughts and treatments dealing with the different strains of the COVID-19 virus since 2021...

(12/01/2021 - 12/06/2024 and onwards) The overwhelming coverage, including doom and gloom, of the various COVID-19 virus strains creates anxiety, especially among those with underlying conditions. However, the WHO (World Health Organisation) has said that if infected, most individuals (especially those without pre-existing conditions) will "likely have a mild coronavirus condition" - the virus has a 99% recovery rate.

Nevertheless, older individuals and those with pre-existing health conditions may experience severe coronavirus symptoms. Therefore, they must heed their healthcare provider's guidance and implement protective measures, treatment, and protocols.


The UK commenced the roll-out of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on 08 Dec 2020, and it is claimed that all rolled-out vaccines should be effective against the various COVID strains.

Other manufacturer's vaccines (Oxford/AstraZeneca, Moderna, etc.) were rolled out sequentially as they were approved for distribution.

If Symptoms Manifest

Initial Recommendations

  • Follow local pandemic protocols and testing requirements.
  • Isolate for the prescribed period (e.g. 10-14 days) - even if you don't have a "confirmed" case.
  • If possible, practice social distancing by staying in a room with a dedicated bathroom away from other household members. If you must share a bathroom, it must be cleaned for coronavirus after each use.
  • Minimise visitors and wear a face covering when around others.

Practice Good Hygiene

  • Wash hands often with soap.
  • Cough into tissues that are immediately disposed of in a plastic-lined wastebasket.
  • Sanitise touched surfaces when used.
  • Don't share personal items - cutlery, dishes, towels, or bedding. Ensure that clothing and linens are washed thoroughly.
  • Limit contact with pets while sick.
  • If symptoms become severe, immediately contact your health care provider for further instructions - symptoms include:
    • Breathing difficulties/problems.
    • Lips or face turning blue.
    • New confusion or can't be roused.
    • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest.

If symptoms are severe/life-threatening, immediately call an ambulance/paramedic.

Medicines for Coronavirus

According to the WHO, CDC, and NHS, no medicines or immunisations existed to treat COVID-19 immediately, hence the specific development of vaccines.

Now in retrospect, some authorities believe that vaccines have been disappointing and have had negative side effects. However, to reiterate, the virus had a 99% recovery rate.

Be Informed

I don't believe in products specifically claiming to prevent or treat the coronavirus—only the individual's immune system can deal with and eradicate a virus. Antibiotics only treat bacteria, so they are ineffective in treating viruses.

Consequently, what can be done is to treat symptoms and help/augment the immune system to fight viruses so that the individual can recover as quickly as possible. The body is designed to deal with viruses; for most people, it successfully does it on its own/automatically.

Regarding the novel coronavirus, if an individual is generally healthy, the body will likely feel better after a few days and recover in approximately a week. However, the individual may still be contagious for another week, so a 14-day quarantine is typically recommended.

Treating Coronavirus Symptoms

The primary symptoms of the novel coronavirus are elevated temperature, cough, and shortness of breath.

Elevated Temperature

Take a fever reducer - Paracetamol or ibuprofen are commonly recommended (discuss with your healthcare provider). However, some authorities are concerned that ibuprofen may not be safe to take with the novel coronavirus - further research needs to be carried out to confirm one way or the other.

Sponging - Sponging with a damp cloth to reduce fever is also recommended.

Maintain good hydration - Fevers usually cause sweating, which means body water loss. Drink lots of fluids (preferably spring water, juice, or herb teas (not soft drinks or high sugar content beverages that might increase thirst and dehydration) - 1.5 - 3 litres of varied fluids. Caffeinated beverages are not recommended, and certainly should be reduced as they cause dehydration.

Rest - Your body needs energy to fight the virus, so lots of rest and let your body do its job.


Sip on drinks throughout the day to keep the throat moist and comfortable and to help keep the body hydrated.

Drink warm beverages, like herb teas or broth - These heat the airways, keep the body hydrated and break up any mucus that might develop in the throat and upper airways.

Honey (1 x tsp) in hot Herb Tea or Hot Water - A little bit of honey tends to soothe a sore throat. However, children under one year old should not use honey.

Breathe in Steam - Use a hot shower, basin of boiled water, humidifier, vaporiser, or other means of making steam. It will soothe a sore throat and open airways, making it easier to breathe. A few (four) drops of oils such as Tea Tree + one other oil such as Lavender, Thyme, Eucalyptus, and especially Albas can be added.

Gargle with Saltwater or Tea Tree oil - Many people find that salt water or tea Tree oil helps their sore throats. Use one teaspoon of salt or four drops of Tea Tree oil in 250 ml of warm water. Gargle and spit, and sanitise the sink afterwards.

Eat a frozen treat - The cold may help numb the pain and soothe the throat if it is sore from coughing.

Suck on Cough Drops, Throat Lozenges, or suitable Hard Sweets - These will keep your mouth and throat moist.

Cough medicine - If you have a wet cough with lots of mucus, you should take an expectorant to help get the mucus out. If you have a dry cough, a cough suppressant is indicated. Make sure you choose the right one—the Covonia range of cough mixtures is recommended.

For pain, try Paracetamol - Med-lemon type products could be considered if cleared by your health care provider.

Shortness of Breath - Take slow, long breaths. Slowing things down can help you start breathing again correctly. Steaming and aroma oils (especially Olbas Oil) can also help.

Relaxation/Meditation Techniques - These will help calm the body and get your breathing more regular.
Shortness of breath may leave you feeling anxious. Relaxation techniques will help fight the anxiety and deeply relax you.

You may need to use a repeat-prescription inhaler if you were previously prescribed one - pay particular attention to how your chest feels and the symptoms your inhaler was originally prescribed for. Do not use someone else's inhaler—only use one that was prescribed for you, and ensure that the mouthpiece is sanitised after each use.


  • Most people will only have mild coronavirus symptoms. There is no cure for this virus, but many simple ways to treat the symptoms will help the body fight the virus.
  • Most people will feel better after a few days and feel fine within a week. However, they will still be contagious, so they should remain isolated for 14 days from the first symptoms.
  • Treat the fever, cough and shortness of breath with the above-mentioned techniques; you will most likely feel better shortly. Staying hydrated and resting will help the most.
  • Remember to avoid other people and practice good hygiene to protect your loved ones from contracting the virus.
  • If in doubt or symptoms become acute, contact your health care provider immediately.
  • Use Natural Remedies to augment your body's immune  system and healing ability; again, discuss alternatives with your healthcare provider.

Natural Remedies to Help

Face Covering Tip: When wearing a face mask, apply two drops of Olbas Oil and two drops of Tea Tree oil to promote respiratory protection and healing.

  • Hydration - keep well hydrated (1.5-3 litres room temp water daily)
  • Vit C - 3,000-5,000 mg daily
  • Omega-3 - 1,000 mg, 2 x Daily
  • Garlic Caps - 1,000 mg daily
  • Vit D - 4,000 iu daily
  • Zinc - 20 mg daily
  • Apple Cider Vinegar - 1-2 x tbsp, in 250 ml x spring water (a little honey can also be added)
  • Echinacea - 300-500 mg, 3 x daily
  • Vit B-Complex - 100 mg daily
  • A Good A-Z Multi-Vit - daily
  • Hydrogen Peroxide - Under Practitioner Guidance (for academic interest only, not usage - 24 x drops, 12% food grade, in 200 ml spring water, 2 - 4 x daily (can be taken hourly if acute symptoms occur))

Hydrogen peroxide therapy is only recommended if cleared by your health care provider.

Herb Teas

  • Liquorice and Peppermint (Recommended)
  • Ginger and Lemon
  • Chamomile
  • Dandelion
  • Nettle
  • Green Tea (with lemon is good too)
  • A little honey, to taste, can be added to herb teas


Humidification/Steaming - Tea Tree oil + one other: i.e. Lavender oil, or Thyme oil, or Eucalyptus oil, or Albas oil, etc.

When wearing a face mask, add a couple of drops of Tea Tree oil (a drop of Thyme, Eucalyptus, or Albas oil can also be added—your preference) to augment upper respiratory protection.

Audio Programs
Relaxation/Hypnosis/Visualisation/Subliminal Programs to activate the subconscious mind's healing augmentation


Application of Essential Oils - Tissue and Hot Water Methods

The following methods of application are excellent for Olbas and other Essential oils:


Avoid direct contact with a child's skin or clothing

Hot water can scald - keep out of the reach of children

Close supervision is necessary with children, especially when they are young

Source: Archives

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