Apple Cider Vinegar - An Overview
Published by Campbell M Gold in Alternative · Monday 01 Jul 2024 · 8:30
Tags: Apple, Cider, Vinegar, ACV, Alternative, Health, Remedy, Natural, Remedies, Wellness, Health, Benefits, Home, Remedies, Holistic, Health
Tags: Apple, Cider, Vinegar, ACV, Alternative, Health, Remedy, Natural, Remedies, Wellness, Health, Benefits, Home, Remedies, Holistic, Health
Apple Cider Vinegar - An Overview.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is one of today's most popular alternative health remedies. It has been used since ancient times as a remedy for diverse ailments. In 400 BC, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, treated patients with Apple Cider Vinegar for its powerful cleansing, healing, and germ/bacteria (antibiotic) fighting qualities.
According to some authorities, Apple Cider Vinegar health benefits are based on anecdotal evidence and have not been fully confirmed through studies. However, I encourage you to read this article as a starting point and then conduct thorough research on Apple Cider Vinegar to form your opinion.
In my experience, Apple Cider Vinegar is a powerful and effective alternative health remedy. I use and recommend it with complete confidence.
Apple Cider Vinegar used for therapy must conform as follows.
- Organic
- 5% acidity
- Raw
- Unfiltered
- Unheated
- Unpasteurised
The Basic Apple Cider Vinegar Blend is a good starting point for usage.
- The basic blend consists of 1 to 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar, with 1 to 2 teaspoons of raw honey (optional), in a glass (250 to 300 ml) of spring or filtered water (do not use raw tap water). This can be taken one to four times daily. However, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider for proper usage directions.
General Health Benefits/Usage of Apple Cider Vinegar
When diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, Apple Cider Vinegar is often used as a topical toner for the face. This method should be considered, as Apple Cider Vinegar can irritate the eyes and sensitive skin.
A bath of Apple Cider Vinegar is said to reduce the effects of sunburn. The vinegar, soaked on a cloth and applied to sunburn, may also help.
There are many claims that Apple Cider Vinegar is a powerful weight loss aid. Consequently, people use it in salad dressings or drink a tablespoon diluted in a glass (250 ml) of spring water (not tap water) once or twice daily.
Apple cider vinegar has long been promoted as a remedy for arthritis. The National Arthritis Foundation says apple cider vinegar "has not been proven effective against arthritis but is harmless". See if it works for you.
A reported treatment for warts is to soak the affected area for 20 minutes daily in a 50/50 mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and water.
A teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water daily lowers blood pressure.
"Mother of vinegar", the layer of film that forms on top of the cider, is believed to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Just shake to remix before usingBenefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - Internal Use
- It's rich in enzymes and potassium
- A natural antibiotic germ fighter
- Fights E. coli and other bacteria
- Helps control and normalise weight
- Helps improve digestion assimilation
- Helps relieve arthritic stiffness
- Helps relieve dry, sore throats (gargle and swallow a diluted mix)
- Helps remove body sludge toxins
- Is anti-ageing
- Boosts metabolism
- Breaks up mucus
- Clears a stuffy nose
- Alleviates a sore throat
- Cleanses lymph nodes
- Helps promote weight loss
- Helps to break down fat
- Immune System booster
- Improves digestion
- Improves oral health - removes stains, kills bacteria, and whitens teeth
- Improves stamina and energy
- Enhances the skin from the inside
- Lowers cholesterol
- Lowers High Blood Pressure
- Strengthens the heart
- Lowers/adjusts blood sugar levels
- Natural anti-inflammatory
- Naturally detoxifies
- Promotes healthy gut flora
- Reduces belly fat
- Reduces bloating
- Soothes the entire gastrointestinal tract
- Soothes leg cramps
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - External Use
- Helps maintain healthy skin.
- Helps promote youthful, healthy bodies
- Soothes the sunburn pain
- Helps prevent dandruff, itching, scalp, baldness
- Helps with Eczema
- Helps with Psoriasis
- Soothes tight, aching joints and sore muscles
Pasteurisation is a No-No
Pasteurisation is a heating process used to eliminate potentially harmful bacteria from consumable liquids like milk and juices. However, this heat process also removes nutrients and enzymes that contribute to the nutritional value of the food. Therefore, it is important to obtain unpasteurised natural Apple Cider Vinegar to retain its beneficial components.
E. Coli and other Harmful Bacteria
Apple Cider Vinegar contains no sugars, which can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria like E. coli and Candida Albicans. Also, the high acidity (ideally 5%) of Apple Cider Vinegar prevents the growth and propagation of such bacteria.
Acid Crystals and Premature Ageing
When acid crystals harden in the joints and tissues of animals, the joints become stiff and the tissues become hardened. As a result, the meat becomes tough and tasteless. However, when the animals are given Apple Cider Vinegar, the precipitated acid crystals enter solution form and are passed out of the body. Consequently, the tissues become healthier and more supple. This is also true for human body tissues.
Additionally, when the body tissues become saturated with acid crystals, the crystals can also appear in the joint bursae, which are fibrous sacs lined with synovial membrane and containing a small amount of synovial fluid. These sacs counteract friction in joints. This can lead to arthritis and bursitis, which is the inflammation of a bursa.
Acid Crystals Cause Premature Ageing
Even the healthiest person needs to continually combat the buildup of acid crystals in their body. The good news is that a powerful way to counteract acid crystals is by using a combination of Apple Cider Vinegar, raw honey, and spring or filtered water (avoid using raw tap water). This potent mixture helps dissolve the acid crystals, allowing them to be eliminated from the body by the kidneys and other organs. It's recommended to consume the Apple Cider Vinegar mix at least once daily.
Keeps Joints and Tissues Youthful
Today in 2024, in our modern and stressful "Western World", most people have lost contact with nature's life cycles, natural living, relaxation, and proper eating habits.
If you are experiencing premature ageing in your joints and hardening of tissues, consume the Apple Cider Vinegar mix several times a day (1 to 4 times daily). Also, drastically reduce or eliminate intake of refined foods, refined sugars, alcohol, and extra salt.
Moreover, by taking Apple Cider Vinegar one to three times daily, you can help relieve stiff, aching, and prematurely aged joints. This will result in a more youthful body, and you will feel great. After several months of taking the Apple Cider Vinegar and honey mix, you will find that the pain and stiffness in your joints will be gone. Additionally, you will discover that you will be able to walk or even run up several flights of stairs without effort. Furthermore, you will notice that you look younger and feel younger than you have in years.
Some FAQs
Is Apple Cider Vinegar safe?
Many people believe the urban myth that Apple Cider Vinegar is harmful to the body because it is "distilled," and it is recommended that all malt and synthetic vinegar be avoided. However, it's OK, there is nothing in Apple Cider Vinegar that can harm your body.
On the positive side, animal proteins and fats tend to thicken the blood, and the natural acids in Apple Cider Vinegar help keep the blood thinner and healthier.
Natural food acids served with animal proteins are designed to lessen the thickening influence of these heavy proteins. For blood to circulate freely throughout the body, the blood should be thin. When blood thickens, it strains the heart - blood pressure elevates, and other problems start. Consequently, the Apple Cider Vinegar mix is an effective adjunct.
Can Apple Cider Vinegar help with Hypertension?
A few years back, a therapist treated a woman with very high blood pressure (hypertension). She followed a two-day program of Apple Cider Vinegar, honey, and water, without consuming any other food for 48 hours. She consumed the mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar five times a day, along with four glasses of spring or filtered water (never use tap water). After 48 hours, her blood pressure had significantly decreased. The ringing in her ears stopped, and her headache disappeared. Through healthy eating (no salt, no saturated fats, no highly processed foods, low caffeine, no alcohol etc.) and consistently following the Apple Cider Vinegar program, she managed to bring her blood pressure back to a normal level.
Can Apple Cider Vinegar cure arthritis? The truth is that "curing" is an internal biological function that only the body can perform. However, following a natural diet, practising deep breathing, regular exercise, sufficient rest, relaxation, and maintaining good hygiene will put the body in a condition to heal itself. Apple Cider Vinegar is an essential part of this program. When all of the forces of nature are utilised, the body will transition from sickness to good health.
Health is something that must be desired, worked hard for, and protected - the above are the keys to good health.
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