The helical representation of the solar system offers a visualisation of the complex interplay between the planets and the sun as they travel through space. This model presents a dynamic, three-dimensional motion as the entire solar system spirals through the Milky Way galaxy.

There have been many interpretations as to the "exact start" of the Age of Aquarius as related to the Precession of the Equinoxes. Currently, we are in the latter part of the Age of Pisces. So, when does the Age of Aquarius begin? Read on...

Discover the 13 principles of manifestation from Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" in this blog post! Learn how to tap into the power of left-brain thought and the subconscious mind for success.

Brainwave frequencies, patterns of electrical activity in the brain measured in Hertz (Hz), play a significant role in our understanding of consciousness and mental activities. These frequencies, far from being mere numbers, are the keys to unlocking the mysteries of our minds, keeping us engaged and intrigued.

Psychic attack is a real phenomenon, and typically has malicious intent. Signs of such attack are given in this blog item.

Discover the intriguing story of Atlantis as described by Plato and delve into the mysteries of this powerful naval empire that disappeared in a single day and night over 9,000 years ago.

Uncover the mysterious secrets of the Smaragdine Tablet and its significance in esoteric and alchemical practices. Dive into the enigmatic world of prima-materia and transmutation in this intriguing blog post!

At times, do you feel trapped? Wouldn't you like to win for a change? Wouldn't you want to recognise opportunities before they happen? Wouldn't you like to know when your power to achieve will be at its strongest? And wouldn't like to know which years will be your success years? Are there predictable cycles of life that an individual can use to guide their destiny? The answer is yes. Read on...

Discover how the planets can be used to measure the duration of life cycles in this insightful blog post on "Universal Life Cycle Duration Measurement." Explore the unique characteristics and movements of the planets and how they symbolize the regulation of energy flow and represent the dimensions and duration of experiences.

A witch's bottle is a simple protective device against negative energy, projected or ambient and against evil entities, spirit or physical.

Discover that everything in the universe is energy-based, and all manifested reality is simply universal energy that has been manipulated/transformed by the collective consciousness, with its collective potential and formless substance.

Discover the concept of Universal Consciousness and its connection to collective consciousness in our Esoteric Existential Philosophy! Explore the depths of these terms and their significance in understanding the formless substance that shapes our reality.