Elysium Spirit - Characteristics
Published by Campbell M Gold in Esoteric · Saturday 03 Aug 2024 · 18:15
Tags: Blog, Article, Page, The, Elysium, Spirit, The, Elysium, Realm, Spirit, World, Evolved, Spirits, Profound, Spirits, Incarnation, 20th, Century.
Tags: Blog, Article, Page, The, Elysium, Spirit, The, Elysium, Realm, Spirit, World, Evolved, Spirits, Profound, Spirits, Incarnation, 20th, Century.
The Elysium Spirit
"The Elysium Realm" is a part of the spirit world home to highly evolved and profound spirits. These spirits have been regular visitors here, but only significant numbers have incarnated simultaneously in the 20th century. You can learn more about these spirits in this blog post...
Elysium, or the Elysium Fields or the Elysian Plains, is a Greek concept. It represents a paradise where heroes and those favoured by the gods would go after death to live a blessed and happy afterlife. This place was initially reserved for mortals related to the gods and other heroes, but it expanded to include the righteous and the heroic over time.
In Elysium, the inhabitants would enjoy a life free from toil and suffering, indulging in activities they loved during their lifetime, such as music, thought, athletic pursuits, and other five-sense, three-dimensional experiential pleasures.
The Elysian Fields were often depicted as a beautiful, serene landscape, sometimes located at the western edge of the Earth by the stream of Okeanos.
Elysium Shepherdesses
The concept of Elysium shepherdesses is linked to the idyllic and pastoral imagery often associated with the Elysian Fields.
In literature and art, shepherdesses are frequently depicted as symbols of pastoral beauty and simplicity, living in harmony with nature and the universal cycles.
For example, in 17th-century Dutch art, shepherdesses were often portrayed as part of an idealised rural life, inspired by the classical themes of Arcadia, a mythical land of peace and contentment.
These depictions celebrate the simplicity and purity of country life, much like the blissful existence promised in the Elysian Fields.
Et in Arcadia ego
The phrase “Et in Arcadia ego” translates to “Even in Arcadia, there am I” and is often interpreted as a reminder of the presence of death even in idyllic settings.
This phrase is famously associated with a painting by Nicolas Poussin. The painting depicts shepherds discovering a tomb in Arcadia, a mythical land of pastoral bliss.
The phrase and the painting suggest that death is an inevitable part of life, even in the most perfect and serene places like Arcadia or the Elysian Fields.
It is a "memento mori", a "reminder of mortality".
From an esoteric existential perspective, only the tomb in a pastoral setting is depicted, and no persons are included in the scene.
The Elysium Spirit
Within the spirit world, from the Esoteric Existential viewpoint, there is an area known as "The Elysium Realm". This region is the home of some of the most evolved and profound spirits that the inhabitants of the Earth have encountered. Although Elysium spirits have been regular visitors to the Earth (especially during the past twenty thousand years), it is only in the 20th century that significant numbers have been incarnating here at the same time.
The Elysium spirits are of a "heroic and warrior class" and can only be described as "luminaries", "stars of the morning", or "champions of light". They are passionate about expanding consciousness through the principle of the "great joining" (the joining of the spirit form with a physical form that interfaces physical reality with the individual's consciousness). These spirits are described as "rebels" who have rejected the traditional spiritual and personal development concepts espoused in the spirit realm and the home world. Due to their rebellion, the Elysium spirit recognises and follows a path that embraces the pure "Luciferic ideal" (the right to personal expansion through self-determined experience in the light of universal potential and reality).
From the Elysium viewpoint, the Luciferic Ideal bears no reference to the traditional concept of the person of "Lucifer", who is traditionally identified as a "fallen angel" or the "devil". The Luciferic Ideal, as embraced by the Elysium individual, refers to the non-personified Latin definition of the word "lucifer" (lux, lucis (light) + ferre (bear)). This means "light-bearer, morning star, or day star", with no reference to or identification of a specific individual.
Thus, the spirits of Elysium are idealistic light bearers. However, the Earth is a challenging environment for idealism to function within, and often, their pure light is corrupted by the lenses of illusion that have evolved during the past twenty-thousand years of darkness and spiritual games.
The Elysium Individual
Irrespective of their motives for coming to the Earth, the Elysium individual takes their incarnation seriously because it determines their next evolution phase. They are driven by purpose, and The Elysium individual seeks to "prove their metal" and to be "tested" in the fire of mortal experience. They are anxious to recognise, approve, and accept the reality of their existence, which is always linked to the rationale for their incarnation in the physical plane.
Portal into the Elysium Realm
The Elysium individual incarnates through a human channel that can accommodate their unusual and unique spirit profile. Consequently, their birth is always effected through a suitable host (mother) physically, emotionally, spiritually, and creatively congruent to the Elysium individual's vibration. It is typical for the Elysium spirit to have chosen its physical plane incarnation as part of a development, illumination, challenge, or initiation programme. However, it is unusual for an Elysium spirit to be of the usurping kind, and an agreement with the host being (mother) is typically negotiated in the spirit world to facilitate their entry into mortality. Although the chosen host channel (mother) may be suitable for the Elysium individual's entry into the physical plane, the conception, gestation, and birth processes are often complex and traumatic for both the mother and the Elysium spirit.
Before the end of the 1950s, large numbers of Elysium group incarnations were relatively rare. However, since the 1960s, there has been a dramatic increase in Elysium spirits (especially groups) incarnating on the Earth. The current trend is for Elysium individuals to incarnate through Western cultures (Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc). The increase in Elysium incarnation appears to be linked to the Homo Spiritus genetic model of the human form, which is resistant to the uncontrolled cycles of reincarnation on Earth (Elysium individuals like to be in control of their cycles). During the 20th century, the Homo Spiritus genetic form has emerged within western population groups, and it has become firmly established since the early 1970s. Hence, there has been an increase in both Elysium and Star Child incarnations during and since the 70s.
Because the Elysium individual's perceptions and morality are very different from those of other spirit groups, they often find it challenging to integrate into "normal" or "traditional" human society with its attendant group norms and historical belief structures. Thus, the Elysium individual may appear rebellious, distant, aloof, withdrawn, and unapproachable. Moreover, they often feel they do not belong on the Earth; however, they do not know why they have this haunting sense of alienation. Unfortunately, these feelings result in the Elysium individual believing that they are an outcast, and consequently, they may express frustration towards society and the restrictions they perceive that society imposes. Consequently, the Elysium individual may create and enter a safe world, which protects them from society and enables them to connect with spirit companions. Because of this, it is usual for Elysium children to report that they have the companionship of invisible friends and other entities. Thus, nightmares, hallucinations, and psychic attacks are common manifestations in such children.
During their formative years, a rebellious spirit is manifested in the Elysium individual's strength of will. However, as time unfolds, the individual is driven, often obsessively, upon a quest for self-discovery, personal identity, a place to belong, and life meaning. Unfortunately, because of their sensitivity, drive, and zeal, the Elysium individual rejects society's "normal path", and they embrace what may be considered the "darker side" of life and a hedonistic lifestyle.
Because the Elysium individual considers that the energy of experience is entirely "amoral", they do not have a traditional sense of "morality" or a conventional scale of "right and wrong". They are generally very proactive; typically, they do what they want, when, where, and how they want. Because of this intensity to experience everything personally, the undirected Elysium individual may become attracted to unhealthy relationships, dangerous pursuits, religious cults, a hedonistic lifestyle, deviant sexual activity, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, etc.
As the Elysium individual initially integrates with society, they are seen as very personable and reliable; however, over time, they may prove themselves unreliable, lazy, untrustworthy, manipulative, and even despotic. When challenged, the threatened individual will ask for forgiveness and make promises they never keep.
Because of their altered perception and unique moral viewpoint, the Elysium individual is often considered melodramatic, a liar, and a deceiver. To cope with the various facets of "normal" life, which can be particularly stressful to an Elysium individual, they project multiple personalities or personas (the roles a person assumes by the pressure of society). Thus, the Elysium individual is a consummate actor, and by using multiple personas (typically developed from childhood), the individual can keep their identity and agenda hidden. This way, they protect their "real self" from the world and its "disapproving" eye. Because of their unique perception of morality and standards of right and wrong, the Elysium individual may be seen to steal, coerce, and manipulate others to achieve their ends. However, the individual does not consider that his actions are morally questionable but are simply the amoral cause and consequence of experience.
Although the Elysium individual may not be consciously destructive, their unique and amoral perception of personal development enables them to become disassociated from the consequences of their actions and the pain, anxiety, and sadness they knowingly or unknowingly cause. The Elysium individual can appear as a caring and loving person on the surface. However, inside, they can be cold, unfeeling, amoral, and ambivalent. In other words, within their perceptions (emotional, mental, and spiritual), the Elysium individual has the coexistence of opposing feelings, especially of love and hate, light and dark, in a single context. Consequently, it is unsurprising that the Elysium individual is often viewed with confusion, caution, misconstruction, suspicion, and fear.
Being highly intelligent, ambitious, and enterprising, the Elysium individual can succeed in any field. They are academically sound and will excel scholastically in their formative years. Nevertheless, because of their innate abilities, Elysium individuals can also be lazy, and if they are not stimulated by the lessons offered, they can manifest as underachievers. As the individual matures, their high intelligence is used to achieve their personal goals (educational and career), and they often manipulate (both consciously and unconsciously) their surroundings and their weaker associates. History has demonstrated that the Elysium spirit is usually the intrepid explorer, the emergent leader, the dauntless conqueror, the successful technocrat, the multi-billion business tycoon, the artist ahead of his time, and the social revolutionary. Conversely, Elysium individuals are also well represented in man's evil, violent, bloody, despotic, tyrannous, and depraved past.
Friends, associates, and emotional relationships are vital to their existence, and the Elysium individual craves recognition, approval, acceptance, love, and affection. In return, they can be a loyal partner, a good friend, a sensitive ear, and a warm shoulder upon which to cry. The Elysium individual has the potential to leave warmth wherever they visit, and they are passionate in matters of love and intimate relationships. However, with their emotional sensitivity, the path of love does not readily flow smoothly for them. Because of their need for acceptance and belonging, the Elysium individual may be attracted to and prematurely enter intensely emotional relationships. Thus, the Elysium individual may struggle to sustain and maintain long-term relationships. Further, they are predisposed to developing romantic fixations, and because of unrequited love, the Elysium individual becomes emotionally stressed and unstable.
Sadly, the Elysium individual, especially in their teen and young adult years, is often attracted to insincere, dark, negative, manipulative, parasitic, or emotionally unstable people, and the result can be catastrophic. They can become so embroiled in poor or stressful relationships that their hold on reality slips, and the Elysium individual enters a melodramatic "soap opera" world of emotional chaos, illusion, disappointment, and disaster. Unfortunately, the Elysium individual is quickly caught up in the "soap illusion", and with their innate acting ability, they create persona roles they believe themselves to be, which they eventually cannot control. Unfortunately, the relationship intensity facet may contribute the most significant weight towards an Elysium individual's suicide decision.
The Elysium individual does not always relate well to children, and if incarnated in a female form, they may elect to remain childless. The Elysium individual may believe that leaving a genetic trace on the Earth (having physical offspring) could compromise their need for a clean and unlinked genetic return to the Elysium spirit realm. Consequently, many Elysium females cannot conceive and bear children because of inherent medical conditions.
At an early age, it is typical of the Elysium individual to question authority (parental, society, and God) and to reject society's traditional forms of spirituality and hierarchically based religions. As they cognitively develop, the Elysium individual is attracted to ideologies directly associated with rational thinking, the expansion of consciousness, and the reality of the experiential spirit realms. They do not respond well to "faith" based systems or structures. However, suppose they are correctly guided and spiritually educated. In that case, the Elysium individual can come to an understanding of who they are and can successfully fulfil their reasons for incarnating on the Earth and fill the measure of their spiritual potential.
Elysium individuals manifest a deep, often obsessive, interest in spiritual matters, especially relating to the "mysteries" and the "real" occult sciences. The individual has latent psychic and telekinetic ability and is a natural channel for necromantic and universal energy. Regarding their spiritual skills, Elysium individuals are effective channellers, illuminators, teachers, and healers and are often metaphysical visionaries far beyond their years.
Unfortunately, the individual's channelling power can be overwhelming, which may result in a harmful and disruptive effect on themselves and those around them. It is an exciting anomaly that when an Elysium individual has spiritual healing performed upon them, the healer feels drained, disorientated, and sick afterwards. Because of their extreme perceptual sensitivity, when an Elysium individual encounters the slightest antithetical energy to their life force, they immediately react negatively and exhibit physical and mental distress or illness.
Experimentation and escapism are also primary characteristics of the Elysium individual. If not directed positively, these traits can lead the individual into questionable association and substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc). Moreover, if undirected, the individual's interest in spiritual matters often develops into a fascination with blood, blood violence, blood religions, and blood initiations. During the post-puberty years, the Elysium individual is particularly vulnerable to suggestion, and during this critical period, they may become involved with blood-motivated groups and activities. Consequently, many Elysium individuals, because they have no alternatives that appeal to them, become engaged with the left-hand path, witchcraft, Satanism, black magic, gothic ideology, vampirism, necrophilism, etc.
The whole subject of death is fascinating and stimulating to the Elysium individual, and if it is not understood in its correct framework, death can become an obsession with them. To the Elysium individual, death can evolve into a romantic partner who leads and guides the individual through the hidden portal into the ultimate world of freedom and initiation they seek. Thus, Elysium individuals are not fearful of death and may consider ending their lives if they feel that the physical plane has nothing further to offer.
Is there another life?
Shall I awake and find all this a dream?
There must be; we cannot be created for this suffering.
(John Keats)
Regarding the question of longevity, the Elysium individual will either die young (often from a self-destructive lifestyle or by suicide) or will live to an ancient age. The suicide aspect becomes active when the individual recognises, initially at the subconscious level, that they have completed that which they came to do or have fulfilled the "criteria" that were set before their incarnation. Alternatively, the individual may become so frustrated, deluded, distressed, and "terminally ill" with life in the physical plane that they elect a self-determined euthanasia path. In many cases of suicide, especially teen suicide, the parents and close associates of the victim had no conception of who the individual was. Consequently, they have difficulty comprehending why the individual became "rationally self-destructive". Often, it is only in retrospect that we recognise the distress and torment that plagued a loved one to the point that their life became a journey of self-destructive despair… Then it is too late…
Because of the complex and intensive forces within the Elysium individual's psyche, mortality is a difficult challenge, and often a state of dis-ease, in contrast to a state of ease, exists within them. This usually manifests in illness (primarily related to respiratory, digestive, hormonal, and assimilation disorders) and swinging cycles of extreme positive and negative activity, which may be diagnosed as bipolar personality disorder or even schizophrenia. Moreover, because the Elysium individual's perception is very different from the norm, they are often plagued by a distorted view of reality, and hallucinations, delusion, psychic attacks, paranoia, and nightmares are common manifestations. When operating at the extremes of their intensive and bipolar cycles, it is noted that the Elysium individual scores poorly on reality testing.
Selfishness and narcissism are shared characteristics of the Elysium individual, and they appear to do only that which promotes themselves and their own "cause". Regarding their selfishness, the individual is often unaware of the negative traits they manifest, and they feel threatened, subjugated, and unjustly persecuted when any of their "faults" are pointed out. This may promote an aggressive response, and the individual strikes out to maintain their ego integrity. Because of this, the Elysium individual may feel that the world misunderstands them and is against them. Consequently, the Elysium individual may hurt those close to them, and while they often recognise what they are doing, they do not understand why they are doing it. In addition, they usually cannot control or stop their actions.
An exciting anomaly has been noted regarding Elysium individuals: some do not consciously know or realise they are of Elysium. Thus, they experience troubled lives, with inner conflicts that attempt to tear their psyches apart, and they do not understand why. These individuals are often traditionally diagnosed as obsessive-compulsives, manic-depressives (bipolar personality disorder), people with schizophrenia, antisocial personalities, hyperactive, possessors of demons, etc. Unfortunately, there is no cure because there is no disease.
Consequently, the only way to help an Elysium individual is to assist them in discovering "who they are" and the reasons "why they have incarnated on the Earth". Then, they can be helped to fulfil their self-determined destiny (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) without the typical "Elysium" negative traits influencing the individual and affecting society. Regression, projection, binaural, and esoteric counselling techniques can be helpful to Elysium individuals in the evaluation of themselves and what they want to achieve in life.
There is no doubt that the Elysium individual is passionately obsessive in all they do, and in one single short incarnation, they can live and experience many lifetimes. Although they are evolved beings with cognitive abilities far beyond their years, the Elysium individual still faces a world antithetical to their essential nature. Mortality is a difficult challenge to the Elysium individual, and his sensitivity and drive potential can lead him to be deluded and to lose touch with reality.
Emotionally, the intensive Elysium individual is easily misled, and consequently, with his bipolar traits, the individual tends towards the negative. Nevertheless, suppose the illusion is dispelled, and the emotions are balanced. In that case, the Elysium individual can express a positive attitude, conquer all things, and be outstandingly successful at all levels. Elysium individuals are some of the most evolved and profound spirits, in both the positive and negative sense, who have chosen to incarnate on Earth.
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