*A German Doctor says Monkeypox is a SCAM

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*A German Doctor says Monkeypox is a SCAM

Campbell M Gold.com
Published by Campbell M Gold in Allopathic · Sunday 25 Aug 2024 ·  3:30
Tags: GermanDoctorMonkeypoxSCAMWolfgangWodargCOVID19vaccinesrashyblisteryseverepainmpox
A German doctor says Monkeypox is a SCAM – it’s just COVID "Vaccine"-induced Shingles under a different Name

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Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, based in Germany, recently spoke to Austrian broadcaster AUF1 and revealed that one of the known side effects of COVID-19 "vaccines" is a rashy, blistery, severe pain-filled condition that resembles monkeypox, which the media is now calling "mpox."

The main symptoms of monkeypox include blistery rashes that are extremely painful, which are also characteristic of herpes zoster and shingles. Shingles, by the way, cause a person to develop blisters on the skin that resemble chickenpox.

Interestingly, in 2022, when monkeypox first emerged in the US, headlines revealed that shingles, autoimmune blisters, and herpes were all hallmarks of COVID-19 jab poisoning.

Attorney Aaron Siri publicly released around 390,000 reports from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), revealing that shingles can be a common side effect of COVID-19 "vaccination." Approximately one in every 450 individuals who receive the COVID jab may develop shingles.

Dr Wodarg reiterated all of this during his Twitter interview (https://twitter.com/i/status/1825951267966845147), which is unlikely to make the rounds in the United States or anywhere in the West. A quick search for a transcript or clip of this interview on Google and Bing results in page after page of "fact checks", claiming that "monkeypox has nothing to do with COVID injections."

PCR tests for monkeypox are bogus, just like the ones for COVID

Like a potential rerun of the COVID-19 pandemic, the stage is being set for monkeypox to become the next pandemic crisis, prompting lockdowns and PCR testing. Dr Wodang claims that these measures are "bogus," just like they were the first time around.

PCR tests are expensive ruses produced by the pharmaceutical industry—Dr Wodang specifically mentioned Roche as one of their producers. The new "narrative," just like the old one, is that these PCR "tests are necessary to detect the presence of monkeypox inside people's bodies."

This ongoing attack on the public's intelligence undermines people's understanding of diseases. Some no longer believe that these illnesses are real except as side effects of vaccines, while others are so afraid of the next "virus" that they unquestioningly follow whatever they are told by the media, so-called experts, and the government.

Regarding monkeypox, it's concerning that many "fully vaccinated" individuals might unquestioningly believe and follow any information about the disease, including taking "PCR tests" that hide the fact that monkeypox could be a side effect of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Dr Wodang calls it a "perverse industry," referring to Big Pharma, that would pull these kinds of deceptions on the masses, scaring people into complying all for industry profit, government mass control, and eugenics purposes.

The rise of adult shingles in society is likely linked to modern generations getting vaccinated for chickenpox. In the past, chickenpox and measles were common illnesses that people would catch and then recover from, developing lasting immunity. However, this changed after chickenpox vaccines were introduced.

"I started seeing an increase in young people with shingles with this generation that was vaccinated for chickenpox," wrote someone on X, claiming to have been a nurse for 20 years.

The latest news about COVID "vaccine" side effects and damage can be found at BadMedicine.news.




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