Homo Spiritus - Characteristics

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Homo Spiritus - Characteristics

Campbell M Gold.com
Published by Campbell M Gold in Esoteric · Saturday 03 Aug 2024 ·  4:00
Tags: HomoSpiritusCharacteristicsEarth20thCenturyGenXXennials
Homo Spiritus Characteristics

Often, clients ask me to describe the characteristics that distinguish the Homo Spiritus individual from the Homo Sapiens individual...

It has been noted that individuals exhibiting the characteristics of the Homo Spiritus have been increasingly appearing on Earth since the mid-20th Century, and arrivals have been very pronounced since 1976 (Gen-X - 1965-1979 and Xennials - 1975-1985; then everyone else since).

Consequently, I have identified Homo Spiritus as an individual who exhibits one or more of the following characteristics (this is not an exhaustive list):

  1. The individual feels they are somehow "different" from others.
  2. The individual has pale or translucent skin, and veins are readily visible under the surface (especially on the inside of the arms and sometimes in the palms of the hands).
  3. The individual is attracted to and is invigorated by sunlight.
  4. The individual may feel uncomfortable when exposed to crowds of people.
  5. The individual may have an aversion to eating animal products.
  6. The individual often finds life on the Earth to be anxiety-producing, uncomfortable, boring, dull, or meaningless.
  7. The individual may shun "normal" society and be somewhat reclusive.
  8. The individual is often emotionally intense and may experience diverse mood swings.
  9. At times, the individual may become disassociated and lose touch with reality and the passing of time.
  10. The individual may have problems retaining images and information in their short-term and real-world (physical) memory.
  11. The individual has vivid dreams that often depict other periods, other dimensions of reality, parallel lives, other species, other worlds, UFOs, etc.
  12. The individual may experience recurring dreams or nightmares.
  13. The individual may have feelings of déjà vu.
  14. The individual's family and friends have always considered the individual to be 'different' or a little strange'.
  15. The individual may not always act and speak politically correctly.
  16. The individual may feel their parents are not their 'true' parents.
  17. Some individuals may not centre their lives on accumulating wealth and power. However, others will seriously and vigorously pursue wealth and power because of their intensive natures.
  18. At times, individuals see 'the good' in other people to the point of being naïve.
  19. The individual is overly trusting and gullible and can quickly be taken advantage of or misled (especially spiritually).
  20. The individual has a strange attraction and yearning towards the stars.
  21. The individual desires to 'wake up', 'change', 'teach', 'illuminate', and 'heal' the inhabitants of the Earth.
  22. The individual questions everything, is often rebellious and maybe a social revolutionary.
  23. The individual is attracted to and easily lost in the 'paranormal', 'fantasy', and 'mysteries'.
  24. The individual is drawn to and interested in Atlantis, Egypt, and other ancient civilisations.
  25. The individual is drawn towards and interested in Native American cultures.
  26. The individual is drawn to the esoteric, metaphysics, and the occult.
  27. The individual is often happier considering the past than evaluating the present or the future.
  28. Individuals are interested in developing and enhancing their creative, abstract, philosophical, and spiritual talents.
  29. The individual may feel an aversion to technology.
  30. The individual may have insomnia.
  31. The individual is hypersensitive to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual influences.
  32. The individual may be predisposed to headaches, migraines, hearing, and eyesight problems.
  33. The individual may be predisposed to skin problems and hypersensitive to intense light (especially sunlight).
  34. The individual may be predisposed to respiratory, digestive, or assimilation disorders.
  35. The individual has unseen friends or companions as a child.
  36. The individual has unseen guides or guardians as an adult.
  37. The individual can recall past lives.
  38. The individual has difficulty differentiating between past-life events and present-life events.
  39. The individual readily and easily projects their consciousness.
  40. The individual has an innate understanding of the cycles of reincarnation.
  41. The individual expresses an innate psychic or channelling ability.
  42. The individual expresses an innate healing ability.
  43. The individual is drawn towards alternative lifestyles, therapies, and medicine.
  44. The individual has an innate ability to see auras.
  45. The individual has a well-developed genesis field.
  46. The individual has a yellow, gold, or crystal-coloured aura.
  47. The individual never has a violet, purple, or blue aura.
  48. The individual has an innate understanding of the cycles of birth and death.
  49. The individual has a unique perception of morality.
  50. The individual has a great love of nature and natural surroundings.
  51. The individual may feel that their current life is their last incarnation on Earth.
  52. The Homo Spiritus form is resistant to uncontrolled cycles of reincarnation and amnesia of past existence when the spirit form joins with the physical body.


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