Shipping Impact on the Environment

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Shipping Impact on the Environment

Campbell M
Published by Campbell M Gold in Blowing in the Wind · Saturday 08 Jun 2024 ·  1:00
Tags: EnvironmentalShippingPollutionAwarenessShippingImpactLargestShipsPollutantsCarsEnvironmentalImpact
The Environmental Impact of Shipping.

Fifteen of the largest ships emit more pollutants than all the world’s cars... Wow!

The government supports using electric cars but does not address the environmental impact of shipping.
Today, about 90 per cent of the world's cargo is transported by ship, and the largest container ships can carry over 21,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs).

Despite their impressive capacity, mega-container ships emit an astounding amount of pollutants. Just one of these ships produces as many emissions as 50 million cars, and the world's 15 largest ships emit more pollutants than all the cars in the world.

This highlights a significant neglect of environmental concerns. While there is a strong push for electric cars, the environmental impact of shipping is largely overlooked, demanding a call for more balanced ecological policies.

This disparity underscores the complex interplay of cause and effect, making it difficult to form a clear stance on these issues.

Source: (2018)

Source: Archives

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