Talmud - Rodkinson - 10 Books - 1918
Published by Campbell M Gold in Misc · Friday 16 Feb 2024 · 1:30
Tags: Talmud, Rodkinson, 10, Books, 1918, Hebrew, Aramaic, teachings, discussions, academies, Holy, Land, Babylonia, English, translation, Michael, L., Rodkinson, tractates
Tags: Talmud, Rodkinson, 10, Books, 1918, Hebrew, Aramaic, teachings, discussions, academies, Holy, Land, Babylonia, English, translation, Michael, L., Rodkinson, tractates
The Talmud - Rodkinson - 10 Books - 1918
Talmud is Hebrew for "learning," appropriate for a text people devote their lives to studying and mastering. The Talmud is a collection of writings covering the whole gamut of Jewish law and tradition, compiled and edited between the 3rd and 6th centuries.
Written in Hebrew and Aramaic, it records the teachings and discussions of the great academies of the Holy Land and Babylonia. With 2,711 densely packed pages and countless commentaries, learning the Talmud is a lifetime occupation...
The English translation here is by Michael L. Rodkinson. The ten books (1918) cover various tractates of the Babylonian Talmud.
The Talmud is divided into six general sections called sedarim (“orders”)
- Zera’im (“Seeds”): dealing primarily with the agricultural laws, but also the laws of blessings and prayers (contains 11 tractates).
- Mo’ed (“Festival”): dealing with the laws of the Shabbat and the holidays (contains 12 tractates).
- Nashim (“Women”): dealing with marriage and divorce (contains seven tractates).
- Nezikin (“Damages”): dealing with civil and criminal law, as well as ethics (contains ten tractates).
- Kodashim (“Holy [things]”): dealing with laws about the sacrifices, the Holy Temple, and the dietary laws (contains 11 tractates).
- Taharot (“Purities”): dealing with the laws of ritual purity (contains 12 tractates).
A "tractate" is a treatise or "dissertation".
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