The 12 Tissue Salts of Schuessler
Published by Campbell M Gold in Alternative · Friday 29 Mar 2024 · 2:15
Tags: 12, Tissue, Salts, Schuessler, Schuessler's, System, of, Cure, Self, treatment, Homeopathy
Tags: 12, Tissue, Salts, Schuessler, Schuessler's, System, of, Cure, Self, treatment, Homeopathy
Schuessler's System of Cure uses combinations of 12 Tissue Salts.
As promised, here is a brief overview of the 12 Tissue Salts (After Schuessler)...
The following material is a simple compilation of Biochemic Tissue salts (After Schuessler).
The remedies are completely safe (homeopathic element levels and production) and can be used by all age groups.
They can be self-administered and have no known contraindications - additionally, overdose is impossible.
A Basic Understanding
Regarding his 12 Biochemic Tissue Salts, Dr W H Schuessler (1821-1898) believed that "All Practitioners" should understand and follow:
- Disease does not occur if cell metabolism is normal.
- Cell metabolism is, in turn, normal, and cell nutrition is adequate.
- As far as the body is concerned, nutritional substances are either organic or inorganic in nature.
- The body cells' ability to assimilate, excrete, and utilise nutritional material is impaired if there is a deficiency of an inorganic material constituent (Tissue Salt) in the tissues.
- Adequate cell nutrition and cellular metabolism may be restored by supplying the required Biochemic Tissue Salt(s) to the organism in a finely divided, assimilable (adjustable) form.
Consequently, the simple logic of Schuessler's Tissue Salts is:
- The human body contains twelve essential mineral (tissue) salts, a correct balance of which must be maintained to ensure normal cell function and the maintenance of good health.
- With any imbalance, the situation develops that is called "illness" or "dis-ease".
- A normal balance of the twelve essential mineral (tissue) salts can be re-established with the administration of the deficient mineral in a readily assimilated form, which passes rapidly into the bloodstream and into the cells.
Schuessler's simple system of cure, using combinations of the twelve Tissue Salts, makes it possible for any individual to treat themselves safely and effectively.
This system of "Biochemic Medicine" has been "clinically proven" for over two hundred years - since the beginnings of modern homeopathic medicine.
Always follow the manufacturer's dosage recommendations that accompany the product.
How Long Until I See Results?
People can differ widely in their "response times" to Tissue Salts - variables include: belief system, individual makeup, the nature and severity (acute or chronic) of the ailment, symptoms manifested, lifestyle, diet, etc.
However, some individuals may experience symptomatic relief within hours or days, while others can take up to 6 weeks.
Tables of Correspondence
The Twelve Tissue Salts (After Schuessler)
Tissue Salt - Combins (After Schuessler)
Tissue Salt - Element Properties (After Schuessler)
Tissue Salt Combin Elements (After Schuessler)
Source: Archives
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