The Usurper - A Parable
Published by Campbell M Gold in Reflection · Friday 04 Oct 2024 · 4:45
Tags: Blog, Article, Page, The, Usurper, Reflection, Quiet, Garden, Apple, Tree, Exquisite, Fruit, Garden's, Gate, The, Lord, of, the, Garden, The, Usurper
Tags: Blog, Article, Page, The, Usurper, Reflection, Quiet, Garden, Apple, Tree, Exquisite, Fruit, Garden's, Gate, The, Lord, of, the, Garden, The, Usurper
"In a quiet garden stood the great apple tree..."
"The Usurper" was written in 1994 in the wake of an unexpected spiritual revival in South Africa. During that time, many new arrivals emerged and set up their stalls. Somehow it seems applicable today with all the diversity and new stalls...
In a quiet garden stood the great apple tree, and it seemed as though it had always been there - producing its exquisite fruit in due season. And at the garden's gate was a sign which announced, "THE LORD OF THE GARDEN INVITES ALL TO ENTER AND PARTAKE FREELY OF THE FRUIT".
The usurper approached the tree, plucked some apples, and left the garden with a strange, purposeful look.
Then he returned and set a table at the garden's gate, and pasted a new sign over the old - it read: "THE CHURCH OF THE LORD OF THE GARDEN" - and below, the usurper had added: "The AUTHORISED MINISTER of the Lord".
A man approached the gate, and as he was about to enter the Garden of the Lord, the minister called, "And where do you think you're going?"
"I'm going into the Garden of the Lord to partake freely of the fruit."
"No… you're not," snapped the minister. "Can't you read the sign?"
"Yes... But... What's it mean?"
"It means..." said the minister slowly and condescendingly, "that the Lord of the Garden has made me his Authorised Representative... Understand?"
"Not really..." said the man, looking perplexed.
"All right..." said the minister, "in simple terms…, it means that you now have to deal through me to obtain the Lord's rewards. The Lord is mighty and righteous, and he can't be expected to deal with riff-raff like you."
"But... But... what happened? How's it you're chosen?"
"It's elementary, my son; I received the divine call through the Spirit of the Garden."
"Oh..." said the man, still perplexed, "can I have an apple please?"
"No... Rules to be observed first."
"What rules?"
"The Spirit of the Garden gave unto me the following ten rules that must be implicitly obeyed, otherwise... No Apple... NO NOTHING... Got it?"
"Yes... Ok... What's the rules?"
The Minister got onto the table, raised up to his full height, dramatically pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, and with a supercilious voice, read: "I, Lord of the Garden, have declared unto my Authorised Minister that the Articles of Faith of My Church and Garden are:
"One: All shall worship me, and only me - I am the one, and the only Lord - the Lord of the Garden.
"Two: And for this worship I have established 'The Church of The Lord of The Garden'. All who wish to enter my Garden shall first be members of My Church.
"Admission, worship, rituals and instruction shall be conducted under the direction and discretion of my 'Authorised Minister', and members are to receive his words as my own.
"Three: Members are to attend the weekly worship and instruction meetings - thus ensuring that all are instructed in the ways of the Lord.
"Four: To support the ministry and my Church, all members must tithe ten per cent (10%) of their gross incomes, and this to be presented monthly to my Authorised Minister - Only cash is acceptable.
"Five: Members are to wear formal clothes and shoes and act in a reverent and respectfully deferential manner when in my Church and in the presence of my Authorised Minister.
"Six: Members may not swear, over-eat, drink alcohol, think impure thoughts, think at all, steal, covet, kill, or blaspheme.
"Seven: Members may not partake of sexual activity, except that which my Authorised Minister approves. All must discuss their sex-lives with him for approval.
"Eight: "Members are required to confess their sins monthly to my Authorised Minister and seek his absolution."
"Nine: Members must immediately pay, in cash, any transgression fines my Authorised Minister has imposed.
"Ten: Members who do not explicitly follow these rules, will be cast out from my Church and Garden... Forever... For I the Lord am vengeful."
The man looked up at the minister and asked, "How do I know you're telling me the truth?"
"You must have faith, my son," smiled the minister.
"Ok... can I have an apple now?"
"No... of course not..." laughed the minister. "You must first prove yourself worthy. Come back with your Tithes and Offerings, and I will consider your application. Then, you must confess and pay for your sins. Then... and only then... will you be worthy to receive a small piece of apple."
"But... I want a whole apple," said the man.
"Oh, my son... my son... that's just not possible. That blessing is for those who have consecrated their lives to the building of The Church of the Lord of The Garden... You, my friend, have a long way to go... So go!"
The man turned away sadly and left.
The usurper had arrived and was here to stay!
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