*Wannsee Conference Attendees - 20 Jan 1942

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*Wannsee Conference Attendees - 20 Jan 1942

Campbell M Gold.com
Published by Campbell M Gold in Historical · Friday 30 Aug 2024 ·  1:30
Tags: WannseeAttendees20Jan1942WannseeConferencePictorialFileAttendeesIdentification
Wannsee Conference Attendees - 20 Jan 1942

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Wannsee Conference Attendees

  1. SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich (Chief of the RSHA and Reichsprotektor of Bohemia-Moravia), presiding

  2. Dr Josef Bühler (Government of the General Government, Representing Hans Frank)

  3. Dr Roland Freisler (Reich Ministry of Justice, State)

  4. SS-Gruppenführer Otto Hofmann (Race and Resettlement Main Office, RuSHA)

  5. SA-Oberführer Dr Gerhard Klopfer (NSDAP Chancellery, Representing Martin Bormann)

  6. Ministerialdirektor Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger (Reich Chancellery, State)

  7. SS-Sturmbannführer Dr Rudolf Lange (Commander of the SD for Latvia)

  8. Reichsamtleiter Dr Georg Leibbrandt (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern territories, State)

  9. Martin Luther (Foreign Office, State)

  10. Gauleiter Dr Alfred Meyer (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern territories, State)

  11. SS-Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller (Chief of Amt IV (Gestapo), Reich Security Main Office (RSHA))

  12. Erich Neumann (Director, Office of the Four Year Plan, under Göring)

  13. SS-Oberführer Dr Karl Eberhard Schöngarth (SD, assigned to the General Government)

  14. Dr Wilhelm Stuckart (Reich Ministry for the Interior, State)

  15. SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann (Head of Referat IV B4 of the Gestapo), minutes secretary

I have provided a pictorial document identifying the Wannsee Conference Attendees for your academic interest:

Wannsee Attendees



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