Affirmations are used to program the subconscious mind. However, affirmations must be carefully chosen - always remember that the subconscious mind cannot be fooled.
Problem - I need money

This affirmation will not produce any significant results. Your subconscious mind will not be fooled; it knows that you're not wealthy, and that you don't even have enough to cover your current needs.

This affirmation will produce startling results quickly. Your subconscious mind will readily accept this affirmation, and it will immediately set in motion cause and consequence, which will result in prosperity being manifested in your life.
Problem - I need to be cured of cancer

This affirmation will not produce any significant results. Your subconscious mind will not be fooled; it knows that you are feeling lousy, and that you have cancer.

This affirmation will produce startling results quickly. Your subconscious mind will readily accept this affirmation, and it will immediately set in motion Cause and Consequence, which will result in your body being healed.
Are Affirmations safe?
Affirmations are safe and in conjunction with natural visualisation and gentle relaxation techniques they effectively create positive changes through the power of your subconscious mind.
There You Have It - Affirmations are the Key to the Programming of Your Subconscious Mind.
Affirmations are positive suggestions, which re-program your subconscious mind to act in accordance with your innermost desires. These are powerful tools, which form an important part of our hypnosis and subliminal programs.
Just by listening to the Program of your choice, which will contain special affirmations, you will unlock the power of your subconscious mind, and create endless healing, positive, and rewarding changes in your life.
Affirmation Samples
Subliminal Element Note
The Inaudible Subliminal elements (inductions, affirmations, etc) are the same as the Audible elements (inductions, affirmations, etc) which are used in the equivalent Hypnosis Program.
However, those Subliminal Programs without an Hypnosis Program equivalent have their own specific inaudible dialogues and affirmations.
Dr J Murphy Describes the Power of Affirmations
A psychologist friend of mine told me that one of his lungs was infected. X-rays and analysis showed the presence of tuberculosis. At night before going to sleep he would quietly affirm, 'Every cell, nerve, tissue, and muscle of my lungs are now being made whole, pure, and perfect. My whole body is being restored to health and harmony.'
These are not his exact words, but they represent the essence of what he affirmed. A complete healing followed in about a month's time. Subsequent X rays showed a perfect healing.
I wanted to know his method, so I asked him why he repeated the words prior to sleep. Here is his reply, "The kinetic action of the subconscious mind continues throughout your sleep-time period. Hence, give the subconscious mind something good to work on as you drop off into slumber." This was a very wise answer. In thinking of harmony and perfect health, he never mentioned his trouble by name.
I strongly suggest that you cease talking about your ailments or giving them a name. The only sap from which they draw life is your attention and fear of them. Like the above mentioned psychologist, become a mental surgeon. Then your troubles will be cut off like dead branches are pruned from a tree. (Dr J Murphy)
Dr J Murphy Continues - Affirmations are Aids to Health
Find out what it is that heals you. Realize that correct directions given to your subconscious mind will heal your mind and body.
Develop a definite plan for turning over your requests or desires to your subconscious mind.
Imagine the end desired and feel its reality. Follow it through, and you will get definite results.
Decide what belief is. Know that belief is a thought in your Mind, and what you think you create.
It is foolish to believe in sickness and something to hurt or to harm you. Believe in perfect health, prosperity, peace, wealth, and divine guidance.
Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.
Apply the power of prayer therapy in your life. Choose a certain plan, idea, or mental picture. Mentally and emotionally unite with that idea, and as you remain faithful to your mental attitude, your prayer will be answered.
Always remember, if you really want the power to heal, you can have it through faith, which means a knowledge of the working of your conscious and subconscious mind. Faith comes with understanding.
Blind faith means that a person may get results in healing without any scientific understanding of the powers and forces involved.
Learn to visualize for your loved ones who may be ill. Quiet your mind, and your thoughts of health, vitality, and perfection operating through the one universal subjective mind will be felt and manifested in the mind of your loved one. (Dr J Murphy)