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About Us - Campbell M Gold.com

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About Us

What We Do...

We Produce Audio Programs and a Knowledge Base to Help you Transform Your Life.

Our Approach...

Our approach is straightforward: believe nothing, question everything, and don't take our word for anything.

So, distrust, question, and carefully evaluate all the materials, therapies, suggestions, and possibilities presented herein to create Health, Wealth, Success, and Longevity. Before using any of them, you must be completely comfortable with the presented principles and applications.

Also, if you have any questions, please contact us. We are here to help.

The Founder - Campbell M Gold...

ArcDoc(oev); ArcAni(oev)
Psy(Dip); DipPre; BSY(T.E); BSYA(Par);
BSYA(CUR.Hyp); BSYA(Irid); BSYA(Biochem)

Although Campbell was born in the autumn of 1951, he lived and was educated in the south of England from 1955. In 1971, he completed studies in telecommunications, and his alternative career started in 1975 after he completed his training in Alternative Esoteric Sciences, Esoteric Psychology, and Complementary Healing Techniques.

Younger Campbell M Gold
A Younger Campbell M Gold

In 1975, having secured a contract with the South African telecommunications industry, Campbell left for Pretoria with his bride, Pauline. However, telecommunications was short-lived, and until his return to the UK, Campbell immersed himself in complementary/esoteric consultancy and research.

It was in South Africa that he applied his approach to traditional and complementary fields and developed his suite of alternative techniques, including health issue resolution, curative hypnosis, subliminal augmentation, empowerment, conscious projection, life extension, self-development techniques, and Veritas Esoteric Existential Philosophy. Further, Campbell developed his alternate view of history from the many projection sessions that he carried out in South Africa.

Over the years, Campbell has completed further education in Curative Hypnotherapy, Iridology, Parapsychology, Psychology, Body Language, Advanced Biochemic Medicine, Fitness and Nutrition, Journalism, Theology, Editing, Teaching, and Communication.

As a consultant (Parapsychologist, Iridologist, Curative Hypnotherapist, Complementary Health, etc.), Campbell has over forty years of experience where he has applied his approach and suite of alternative techniques, including health issue resolution, curative hypnosis, subliminal empowerment, projection, life extension, counselling, and self-development. In addition to his consultancy and research work, Campbell wrote and presented his series of self-development, alternative/complementary/esoteric techniques, and projection and visualisation courses.

Campbell also developed the digital recording technique used in his audio programs. It uses multi-tracked and interleaved sound segments (nature sounds and music ambience) in conjunction with audible and inaudible subliminal voice elements. However, the programs are completely safe, and the listener is always fully conscious and in control.

Initially, only the Projection and basic Healing programs were developed; however, over the years, this has been expanded into the current range of programs that are now available. Our latest programs explore the fourth-dimensional self and the associated promotion of health, wealth, success, transformation, and longevity.

Older Campbell M Gold
An Older Campbell M Gold

Then, in 1997, it was time to return home, and Campbell now lives in the South of England, where he continues his research, writing, editing, and publishing.

In 2000, his book, The Practise of Full-Conscious Projection, was first published in the UK - this, and subsequent books and writings by Campbell, as well as his Hypnosis, Subliminal, Empowerment, Healing, and Classical Power Audio Programs, are available as Downloads from this website.

In 2016/2017, Campbell's 4th Dimensional Programs were finally released. This radical range is a vintage New Thought approach to Health, Wealth, Success, Transformation, and Longevity that has been Radionically Revised and Subliminally Enhanced for the 21st-century seeker of Light, Life, and Truth. Again, these programs are available as Downloads from this website.

Thank you for visiting with us.

Please do not hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions or need further information.

Please visit the Knowledge Base and FAQs for further information about our areas of interest.

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