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Special Sounds, Subliminal Elements, and Program Categories - Campbell M Gold.com

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Special Sounds, Subliminal Elements, and Program Categories

To achieve the desired results, our Programs contain combinations of Voice, Nature Sounds, Music Ambience, and Subliminal Elements.

(Audio, Subliminal, Music, Nature Ambience, etc)

Nature Sounds

The specially prepared Nature Sounds of Rain, Sea, and Stream play an important part in relaxing You, and activating the Power of your Subconscious Mind by gently and naturally stimulating Alpha-Wave Brain Activity.


Music Ambience

Music Ambience, designed to augment the relaxation and visualisation processes, includes Piano, Zen, and Classical genres.

Listen to Audio Samples from our Programs to get an idea of the Music Ambience


Subliminal Elements

Subliminal Elements include Inaudible Induction Dialogues and Positive Affirmations, which communicate directly with Your Subconscious Mind (the 4th Dimensional you) to help you to achieve the positive results You want.

Where are the Subliminal Elements Recorded?

Program Categories

Hypnosis Programs

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Our Hypnosis Programs contain Voice, Affirmations, Musical Ambience, and soothing Nature Sounds that communicate with Your Subconscious Mind to help You to create all the Positive Changes that You desire. Our Hypnosis Voice Only Programs contain the same dialogue and affirmatiomns as the Hypnosis Programs; however, there are no Nature Sounds, or Music Ambience.

These programs Do Not contain any Subliminal Message Elements.

As you listen to Your chosen program, relax - visualise what you want - Health, Wealth, Success, Transformation, and Longevity - let go, and let Your Subconscious Mind do the rest.

If you can visualise it, you can realise it
(C M Gold)


Subliminal Programs (Subliminal Rain, Subliminal Wealth, and Subliminal Rejuvenation)

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Our Subliminal Programs contain Inaudible Subliminal Elements, beneath the soothing sounds of Nature and Music Ambience, that re-program Your Subconscious Mind to act in accordance with Your Innermost Desires.

Subliminal Elements include Inaudible Dialogues and Positive Affirmations which communicate directly with Your Subconscious Mind to help You Achieve all the Positive Results You want - Health, Wealth, Success, & Longevity.

Subliminal Programs can be used "standalone" or as a powerful adjunct and reinforcement to our Voice Guided Programs.

The Subliminal Elements are the same as the Audible Elements in the equivalent Audible Voice Guided Program.


Empowerment Programs

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It is said that our genesis was in the sea - and its rhythms of ebb and flow are reflected throughout the rhythms and cycles within our being.

That is why, within Nature, especially the sea, streams, and rain, we find Sounds that produce Calming and Positive Healing effects within us.

With this in mind, our Nature Empowerment Programs contain those special sounds of nature, with gentle ambience, to relax and transport you to that inner-place where you can visualise what You want, and where Your Subconscious Mind can be used to transform Your Dreams into Reality.

As You listen to Your chosen program, simply relax, visualise what You want, and just let go.

These programs Do Not contain Voice or Subliminal Message Elements.


Healing Programs (includes The Healing Water Programs)

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Our Healing Programs contain a unique combination of voice Directed Hypnosis, Nature Sounds, and Inaudible Subliminal Message Elements to promote and augment Your Natural Healing Processes - and the results can be startling.

Even if You fall asleep during the program the results are the same.

The digital recording technique uses multi-tracked and interleaved sound-segments (Voice, Music Ambience, and Nature Sounds), in conjunction with Inaudible Subliminal Message Elements (voice).

However, the programs are completely safe, and You are fully conscious and in control at all times.

The specially prepared nature sounds of Sea, Stream, and Rain play an important part in the Healing Process as they gently and naturally stimulate alpha-wave brain activity.

An Alpha Brain Pattern appears when You are wakeful, and where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness.

Consequently, this is a good state for You to be in to maximise Creative Visualization, Auto-suggestion, Hypnosis, and Subliminal Techniques.

Thus, Nature Sounds with their inherent Alpha Wave stimulation can be very therapeutic, and this is put to use in all of our Healing Titles.


Classical Power Programs

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Our Classical Power Programs contain a unique combination of Classical Music, Nature Sounds, and Inaudible Subliminal Message Elements to promote and augment the title's desired results (Health, Wealth, Success, & Longevity, etc) through the Power of your Subconscious Mind.

Even if You fall asleep during the program the results are the same.

The digital recording technique uses multi-tracked and interleaved sound-segments (classical music ambience, and nature sounds), in conjunction with inaudible subliminal message elements (voice) which unlock the power of your Subconscious Mind.

However, the programs are completely safe, and You are fully conscious and in control at all times.


4th Dimensional Programs

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Our 4-D Programs contain both audible and inaudible subliminal voices, under nature and music ambience, to develop Your Understanding and Your Ability to Unlock Everything.

To think you can, creates the force that can
(Orison Marden)

This is a unique approach that we term "4th Dimensional"

Programs Specially Created for 2016 - 2026 and Beyond...

We are in an incredible period of World and Personal Transformation - 2016...

Consequently, The Revised Five Lessons, the Revised Thought-Forces, and other 4-D Titles, were specifically developed to help You
discover, explore, and use your 4th Dimensional-Self and its Transformative Power...

(4-D Program)

When The Five Lessons were originally presented in 1948, their author, Neville Goddard, said:

The Five Lessons apply the power of positive thinking to getting and maintaining anything and everything that you desire: This is going to be a very practical Course. Therefore, I hope that everyone in this class has a very clear picture of what he desires, for I am convinced that you can realize your desires by the technique you will receive here this week in these five lessons
(Neville Goddard - The Five Lessons)

Listening to the Revised Five Lessons, Revised Thought-Forces, and other 4th Dimensional Titles, will enable You to access and use the transformative power of Your Subconscious Mind - Your 4th Dimensional Self.

Both Audible and Inaudible Subliminal Elements have been used in the 4-D Programs to increase the effectiveness of a Lesson's message, and to initiate a direct and powerful Communion with your Subconscious Mind.

From 2015 the 4th Dimensional Titles were produced through Radionic Channeling for the "21st Century seeker of Light, Life, and Truth."

Consequently, the texts were developed in concert with the Collective Experiential Potential and are presented verbatim in the Lessons.

Typically, this type of program is therapist issued; however, for a limited period, we are making these Programs generally available.

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