The Significance of Nature Sounds
Our Programs use a combination (depending upon the program's title and specific focus) of Voice, Nature Sounds, Music ambience, and Inaudible Subliminal Elements to promote the desired results.
Interestingly, even if you fall asleep during a program the results are the same.
The digital recording technique uses multi-tracked and interleaved sound-segments (nature sounds and music ambience) in conjunction with audible voice and inaudible subliminal elements (voice).
However, the programs are completely safe and the listener is fully conscious and in control at all times.
Rain, Sea and Stream Sounds
The specially prepared nature sounds of Rain, Sea, and Stream play an important part in relaxation and activating the power of the subconscious mind, as they gently and naturally stimulate Alpha Wave brain activity.
Nature Sounds and their Associated Responses
RAIN - Creates a gentle yet dramatic empowerment and healing response with associated cell replacement
SEA - Creates a gentle yet dramatic empowerment and healing response with associated cell replacement
STREAM - Creates an invigorating empowerment and healing response with associated cell replacement
INTERLEAVED SEA & STREAM - Creates a more intense empowerment and healing response with associated cell replacement
Nature Sounds Stimulate an Alpha Brain Wave Pattern

An Alpha brain pattern appears when you are wakeful and where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness.
Consequently, this is a good state to be in to maximise creative visualization, auto-suggestion, and hypnosis, subliminal, and 4th dimensional techniques.
As the amount of your Alpha Waves increase, you will feel less stress and be less anxious.
Consequently, this improves the strength of your immune system - stress has a very detrimental impact on the immune system.
Thus, improve your immune system, and you will dramatically improve your health and longevity.
Additionally, if an individual wants to be "more creative" they should use techniques whereby they increase their Alpha wave levels.
Many life coaches teach that if an individual wants to have more "peak performance" in the various areas of their life, they should learn how to increase their levels of their Alpha waves.
Consequently, nature sounds with their inherent Alpha Wave stimulating effect can be very therapeutic, and this is put to effective use in all of our Programs.
What are Alpha Waves?