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Healing Programs - Campbell M Gold.com

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Healing Programs

Healing Programs contain a unique combination of voice directed hypnosis, nature sounds, and inaudible subliminal message elements, to realise your natural healing processes and to replace bad cells with good ones.

Which Healing Program are you going to Try Today?

(Audio, Subliminal, Music, Nature Ambience, etc)

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Play Audio Sample A5001 - Intensive Healing 1 - Voice Guided, No Subliminal - Stream, Sea, and Zen Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5002 - Intensive Healing 2 - Voice Guided, Parallel Subliminal - Stream, Sea, and Zen Ambience *
Play Audio Sample A5003 - Intensive Healing 3 - No Voice, Subliminal Guided - Stream, Sea, and Zen Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5004 - Intensive Healing 4 - Subliminal Affirmations - Sea, and Zen Ambienc
Play Audio Sample A5005 - Intensive Healing 5 - Subliminal Affirmations - Stream, and Zen Ambience

Play Audio Sample A5006 - Enhanced Healing 1 - Voice Guided, No Subliminal - Sea/Stream, and Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5007 - Enhanced Healing 2 - Voice Guided, Parallel Subliminal - Sea/Stream, and Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5008 - Enhanced Healing 3 - No Voice, Subliminal Guided - Sea/Stream, and Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5009 - Enhanced Healing 4 - No Voice, Subliminal Affirmations - Sea/Stream, and Piano Ambience

Play Audio Sample A5010 - Directed Healing 1 - Voice Guided, No Subliminal - Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5011 - Directed Healing 2 - Voice Guided, No Subliminal - Zen Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5012 - Directed Healing 3 - Subliminal Affirmations - Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5013 - Directed Healing 4 - Subliminal Affirmations - Zen Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5014 - Directed Healing 5 - Nature Empowerment - Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5015 - Directed Healing 6 - Nature Empowerment - Zen Ambience

Play Audio Sample A5016 - Tranquil Healing 1 - Voice Guided, No Subliminal - Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5017 - Tranquil Healing 2 - Voice Guided, No Subliminal - Zen Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5018 - Tranquil Healing 3 - Voice Guided, Parallel Subliminal Counterpart - Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5019 - Tranquil Healing 4 - Voice Guided, Parallel Subliminal Counterpart - Zen Ambience **
Play Audio Sample A5020 - Tranquil Healing 5 - Subliminal Affirmations - Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample A5021 - Tranquil Healing 6 - Subliminal Affirmations - Zen Ambience

Healing Water Programs

Play Audio Sample A5022 - Healing Water 1 - Subliminal Induction - Sea
Play Audio Sample A5023 - Healing Water 2 - Subliminal Affirmations - Sea
Play Audio Sample A5024 - Healing Water 3 - Subliminal Induction - Stream **
Play Audio Sample A5025 - Healing Water 4 - Subliminal Affirmations - Stream
Play Audio Sample A5026 - Healing Water 5 - Subliminal Induction - Sea/Stream
Play Audio Sample A5027 - Healing Water 6 - Subliminal Affirmations - Sea/Stream

Play Audio Sample A5028 - Healing Rain 1 - Subliminal Induction - Rain **
Play Audio Sample A5029 - Healing Rain 2 - Subliminal Affirmations - Rain

Other Related Healing Programs

Play Audio Sample H2014 - Healing Relaxation - Voice Guided, No Subliminal - Sea and Piano Ambience
Play Audio Sample S3003 - Subliminal Healing - Subliminal Affirmations - Sea and Piano Ambience, Sea and Zen Ambience
Play Audio Sample E4001 - The Healing Sea - Nature Empowerment - Sea

** Recommended Program

Healing Programs

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"There are NO incurable diseases!"

That's what Christian D Larson believes, and that is what he presents in his 1912 book, How To Stay Well.

Larson contends that all disease comes from the violation of one or more of the "laws of life", and consequently all diseases can be cured by bringing mind and body back again into harmony with those laws that have been violated - and with this in mind we developed our selection of Hypnosis and Subliminal Healing Programs.

Our suite of Healing Programs (Healing, Water, Intensive, etc) contain a unique combination of voice directed hypnosis, nature sounds, and inaudible subliminal message elements, to promote and augment your natural healing processes - and the results can be startling.

Even if you fall asleep during the program the results are the same.

Our advanced digital recording technique uses multi-tracked and interleaved sound-segments (voice, music ambience, and nature sounds), in conjunction with inaudible subliminal message elements (voice).

However, the Programs are completely safe and the listener is fully conscious and in control at all times.

The specially prepared nature sounds of sea and stream play an important part in the healing process as they gently and naturally stimulate Alpha Wave brain activity.

An Alpha brain pattern appears when you are wakeful, and where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness.

Consequently, this is a good state to be in to maximise creative visualization, auto-suggestion, hypnosis, and subliminal techniques.

Thus, nature sounds, with their inherent Alpha Wave stimulating effect, can be very therapeutic, and this is put to use in all of our Healing Titles.

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