*Terrifying State of Britain - Muslims want Change
Published by Campbell M Gold in Blowing in the Wind · Wednesday 31 Jul 2024 · 9:30
Tags: new, poll, Sharia, Law, Muslims, want, change
Tags: new, poll, Sharia, Law, Muslims, want, change
Terrifying state of Britain:
Almost a Third of the country's Muslims want Sharia Law implemented by 2044
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A new poll has found that almost a third of British Muslims think it would be "desirable" to implement Sharia Law within the next two decades.
The survey, carried out by polling firm J. L. Partners, also found that 15 per cent of 1,000 British Muslims have a "very positive" view of Hamas, with 14 per cent saying they had a "quite positive" view.
The findings from the Henry Jackson Society (HJS), a national security think tank, also found that almost 40 per cent of university-educated Muslims between the ages 18 and 24 believed Hamas had not committed atrocities on 07 Oct.
The survey, which represents the largest of its kind conducted since the Israel-Hamas conflict, reveals that 46 per cent of British Muslims express sympathy towards Hamas. This sentiment is accompanied by other concerning findings, such as a significant proportion advocating for the implementation of Shariah law in the UK and expressing beliefs in Jewish influence over government policy, media, and financial systems.
The report also identifies a generational and educational divide among British Muslims, with younger and more educated individuals being more likely to dismiss allegations of atrocities committed by Hamas. This trend underscores the importance of targeted education and outreach efforts to address misinformation and challenge extremist narratives within communities.
It was also found in the poll that 13 per cent of Muslims asked had a "very negative" view of Hamas, with 11 per cent having a "quite negative" view of the group.
When asked about how desirable it was for homosexuality to be outlawed, 17 per cent said it was "very desirable", and 10 per cent said it was "somewhat desirable". Meanwhile, 18 per cent said it was "very undesirable" and 10 per cent said it was "somewhat undesirable."
Founder of interfaith groups Tell Mama, Faith Matters and Muslims Against Anti-Semitism told MailOnline: "Hamas is an Islamist extremist and terrorist group and has been terrorising Gazans, Israelis and liberals within society for decades.
"The sense that Hamas did not conduct massacres and rapes in Israel is atrocious because it shows a closed-off mentality to anything emanating from Israel.
"The findings confirm that a lot of work needs to be done to inform, challenge, and address old anti-Semitic tropes that are still circulating among some of my co-religionists."
Meanwhile, around 41 per cent of British Muslims said Jews have too much power in the media and 39 per cent when it came to Britain's financial system.
It also found that almost half (46 per cent) of British Muslims say Jews have too much power over UK government policy, compared to 16 per cent of the public.
Alan Mendoza, the executive director of Henry Jackson Society (HJS), points to the failure of counter-extremism policies in adequately addressing the rise of extremist ideologies within certain segments of the British Muslim population. He highlights the reluctance to confront such extremism due to fears of being labelled Islamophobic, calling for a concerted effort to amplify the voices of moderate Muslims and marginalise extremist narratives.
The findings of the HJS report serve as a sobering reminder of the challenges posed by extremist ideologies within British society. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing education, community engagement, and robust counter-extremism measures. By fostering dialogue, promoting understanding, and confronting extremism head-on, stakeholders can work towards building a more cohesive and resilient society for all.
A Government spokesperson said, "We have recently introduced a series of measures to promote social cohesion and counter religious hatred.
"Our plan will tackle division in our communities and ensure that we protect democratic freedoms across the country."
Gaza's health ministry reported at least 33,207 Palestinians have been killed and 75,933 others wounded in Israel's military offensive on Gaza since 07 Oct.
It comes six months after the massacre, which saw 1,200 civilians killed and a further 235 taken hostage from southern Israel.
By George Bunn
The following material is by Daniel Greenfield and was published in Front Page Magazine - 15 Apr 2024
Majority of Young Muslims in UK Want Islamic Law
Poll shows British Muslims want Islam as the national religion and an Islamic political party
1 in 3 Muslims living in the UK want Islam to be declared the national religion and for everyone to live under the brutal system of Sharia law which calls for beheadings and amputations.
Less than 1 in 4 Muslims opposed the move while the majority were unwilling to commit.
Among younger Muslims 18-24, 1 in 5 believed that making Islam “our national religion” was “very desirable”, and a total of 43% supported redefining the UK as an Islamic state.
Only 16% opposed it.
This younger group who are the future of Muslims in the UK was also the one most likely to sympathise with Islamic terrorists.
1 in 4 British Muslim men expressed a positive view of Jihad. 46% of British Muslims sympathised with Hamas as did 58% of younger British Muslims. None effectively sympathise with Israel. Previously 1 in 4 Muslims had sympathised with the 7/7 suicide bombers in London.
52% of Muslims supported a "blasphemy" ban on Mohammed cartoons. This Sharia "blasphemy code" had already been used to justify violence and Islamic terrorist attacks against artists and magazines. Including the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris by heavily armed Muslim terrorists.
A previous poll reported on by The Telegraph in 2015 showed that 1 in 4 Muslims supported the Hebdo attacks.
Among younger Muslim settlers, 59% supported a blasphemy ban, with only 20% opposed.
57% of Muslim settlers in the UK were willing to call for the “compulsory use of Halal food in all schools and hospitals”. Among younger settlers, 67% were in favour of mandatory Halal.
Setting up conflicts with feminists and LGBTQ activists, 1 in 5 Muslims wanted to legalise polygamy and 1 in 4 wanted to ban homosexuality. While a majority of Muslim colonists would not commit to the move, both measures had similar levels of opposition and support.
Imposing Sharia law would be a ban on most of the social and lifestyle choices of the Left. That is a point that the British Left, like its Western counterparts, has not come to terms with, but may have to as Muslims in the UK move beyond supporting non-Muslim parties to forming their own.
39% of UK Muslims supported the formation of a Muslim political party potentially of the kind that had been set up by Muslim Brotherhood movements in middle eastern countries.
Only 16% were opposed.
Among younger Muslim colonists, 46% favoured a Muslim political party to contend for power in Britain. Such a party could then be used to impose Islamic law on the rest of the country.
On most issues, with the exception of polygamy, the younger Muslims are more willing to support the imposition of Islam on the United Kingdom than their elders. The truly relevant poll numbers are not those that cover the entire population, but the next generation.
While most polls group together Muslims, this survey broke down different groups of Muslims showing significant differences among white Muslim converts, Arab Muslims, Pakistani Muslims and African Muslims. White converts have been depicted as the most “extreme” due to their “misunderstanding” of Islam and indeed have been involved in terrorism, but the survey shows that they are actually less likely to support the imposition of Islamic law through blasphemy bans on pictures of Mohammed, Halal, homosexuality, polygamy and other Sharia measures.
41% of Pakistani Muslim colonists in the UK want Sharia law and 37% want Islam to become the national religion. Pakistani settlers are the largest single Muslim group surveyed. 61% of Pakistan Muslim settlers supported compulsory Halal and 49% wanted an Islamic political party.
While Muslims women in the UK were distinctly unenthusiastic about bringing back polygamy (15% in favour, 38% against), and an abortion ban (19% for and 28% against) they were even more totalitarian about some elements of Islamic theocracy than the men including compulsory Halal (65% for and 7%) against, and even more likely to sympathize with Hamas than the men.
While the poll commissioned by the Henry Jackson Society and conducted by J. L. Partners which was published by The Telegraph found widespread support for Hamas, it also showed that the backing for the brutal Islamic terror theocracy in Israel also translated into some support for establishing a similar system to the one Hamas is working toward in the UK.
A growing number of British Muslims not only want to see an end to Israel, but also to the UK with Islam as the national religion, the imposition of Islamic law and an Islamic political party.
The current poll does not show that the Muslim settler perspective in the UK is growing worse rather it shows that Muslims remained fairly consistent while the British have been in denial.
Similar polls expressing high levels of support for sharia law have circulated as far back as 2006 when 40% of Muslims in the UK wanted Islamic law. 18 years later, 36% support Islamic law.
Across nearly twenty years, Muslims in the UK want what they wanted in their home countries, theocratic supremacy and an end to equal rights for non-Muslims. The support for Hamas is an expression of a larger supremacist tendency that killed thousands in Israel, but millions around the world from India to Afghanistan to the Middle East and to London, Paris and New York City.
A majority of young Muslims in the UK want sharia Islamic law and a political party to impose it.
If the current immigration rates and demographic transformation rates continue, the question is not if it will fall to Islamic rule, but, when Britain will fall.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
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