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Financial Storm: $326 Trillion Debt and the End of Fiat Currency – The Truth About the Coming Global Currency Reset!
BlackRock is one of the most influential organisations in the world, and its alarming role in global economics and politics is becoming more apparent. The investment giant is promoting woke politics through corporate social credit scores (ESG), which include the controversial "net zero" initiatives and the "LGBTQ+ agenda." Additionally, BlackRock is accused of manipulating financial systems and controls a significant portion of the world's wealth.
In recent years, remote work has gained significant traction, particularly accelerated by the global pandemic. While many companies have embraced this shift, examining the negative costs associated with home working is essential. These costs can manifest in various forms, affecting productivity and employee engagement.
Autism Rate - By Region - A to Z...
Autism Rate - Low to High by Region...
Autism Rate - High to Low by Region...
Goodness, I remember that in the 1950s, in the schools, there were maps displaying the extent of the British Empire, which were marked in red. And yes, it could be said: "The sun never set on the British Empire," and then it was all gone.
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