D8003 - Get What You Want Bundle
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The Get What You Want Bundle includes the Ebook, The Science of Getting Rich, and the Get What You Want Program using Voice, Gentle Music Ambience, and Sea Sounds, to help you get What You Want in Life

Bundles - mp3 and pdf
Get What You Want Bundle (1 x mp3 & 1 x pdf download)
Immediate availability
H2004 - Get What You Want - Hypnosis (mp3 download)
Audio Induction; Audio Affirmations;
No Subliminal Induction; No Subliminal Affirmations;
Music Ambience; Nature Ambience
Lay back and be guided into a pleasant state of deep relaxation through voice, the gentle sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, affirmations, and dreamy musical ambience.
In this hypnotic state, you will access, and reprogram, your subconscious mind to enable you to attract all that you need, want, and desire into your life.
For optimum results this program should be listened to in its entirety.
Even if you fall asleep during the program the desired positive results will still manifest.
This program does not contain any subliminal message elements.
At last, a system without any hidden clauses, secrets, proprietary products, special seminars, or cop outs. The program is simple, your subconscious does all the work, and you get all the results. I am a terrible procrastinator, and soon get bored, but doing the program just before going to sleep was so easy, it became a natural part of my day. I feel better, my life is better, and I'm in control.
The Get What You Want program contains voice, the gentle sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, and dreamy musical ambience, and you will be guided through the session.
Listen to this program every day in a time and place where you can give it your full attention and have the freedom to thoroughly relax.
Never listen to this program while driving or operating a machine - it contains a potent relaxation technique that requires you to become deeply and completely relaxed.
Although this technique may be new to you, it is completely safe and natural.
If you are listening before sleeping (recommended), you will drift into a pleasant and restful sleep after the program ends.
Even if you fall asleep during the program, the powerful suggestions will still reach your subconscious mind, have a positive effect, and will manifest maximum results.
Listening to this program at any other time also induces a state of deep relaxation, from which you will return refreshed.
(Time +/- 45 Mins)
Example Affirmations
I deserve... to have... absolutely everything... I want... I trust... the natural flow... of the universe... to provide me... with everything... I need... The world abounds... in riches... from an infinite supply... I now allow the free-flow of abundance... to enter my entire life... Etc...
B2002 - The Science of Getting Rich - by Wallace D Wattles (pdf download)
Public Domain Note
This item has been compiled from material in the United States Public domain. Consequently, the item's actual content is free; and any price tag relates to the cost of gathering, reconstructing, editing, and the online storage of the item
In his book, Wallace D Wattles explains that the universal mind underlies and permeates all creation.
And through the process of visualization we can engage the law of attraction by impressing our thoughts upon formless substance, and thereby bring the desired object or circumstances into material form.
Wattles Emphasizes the Critical Importance of Attitude
Only by aligning ourselves with the positive forces of natural law, can we gain unlimited access to the creative mind/creative consciousness and its abundant rewards.
The Science of Getting Rich holds the secret to how economic and emotional security can be achieved in a practical and imaginative, and a non-competitive way, while maintaining a loving and harmonious relationship with all of life.
By living in accordance with the positive principles outlined in this book, we can find our rightful place in the cosmic scheme of things, and create for ourselves an environment in which we can grow in wealth, health, wisdom, and happiness.
The Secret
Rhonda Byrne in her book and DVD, The Secret tells how a 100-year-old book entered her life and changed it forever - this is that book written in 1910.
Thus, The Science of Getting Rich inspired Byrne to create her best-selling DVD, and then subsequently to write her book.
Thus, The Science of Getting Rich inspired Byrne to create her best-selling DVD, and then subsequently to write her book.
She said that it gave her a glimpse of The Secret; and it was like a flame inside her my heart. And with every day since, it's become a raging fire of wanting to share all of this with the world.
Wallace Delois Wattles (1860-1911) was the author of numerous books, however, The Science of Getting Rich his the best known.
Wattles experienced failure after failure in his early life, and after many years of study and experimentation, he formulated a set of principles that, with scientific precision, create financial and spiritual wealth.
He died a very prosperous man in 1911.
Wallace Delois Wattles (1860-1911) was the author of numerous books, however, The Science of Getting Rich his the best known.
Wattles experienced failure after failure in his early life, and after many years of study and experimentation, he formulated a set of principles that, with scientific precision, create financial and spiritual wealth.
He died a very prosperous man in 1911.
Wattles' other books include: The Science of Being Well, The Science of Being Great, and How to Be a Genius, which are all commended to the reader.
You might like to try the "Healing Relaxation" Hypnosis Program
Lay back and be guided into a healing, state of deep relaxation through voice, the drowsy sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, and dreamy music ambience. In this hypnotic state, you will access, and reprogram, your subconscious mind to enable you to stimulate dramatic healing changes in your body by simply replacing bad cells with good cells.
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