D8008 - Ultimate Development Plus Bundle
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The Ultimate Development Bundle includes the Ebook, The Science of Being Great, a Positive Change Program using Voice, Music Ambience and Sea Sounds, and a Develop Intuition Program using Voice, Music Ambience and Sea Sounds to invoke your desired Personal Development on all fronts

Bundles - mp3 and pdf
Ultimate Development Plus Bundle (2 x mp3 & 1 x pdf download)
Immediate availability
H2003 - Positive Change - Hypnosis (mp3 download)
Audio Induction; Audio Affirmations;
No Subliminal Induction; No Subliminal Affirmations;
Music Ambience; Nature Ambience
Lay back and be guided into a pleasant state of deep relaxation through voice, the balmy sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, affirmations, and dreamy musical ambience.
In this hypnotic state, you will access and reprogram your subconscious mind to enable you to positively change your life, and realise all your goals, ambitions, and desires.
For optimum results this program should be listened to in its entirety.
Even if you fall asleep during the program the desired positive results will still manifest.
This program does not contain any subliminal message elements.
Wow! What a great program - just plug in, lay back, and be guided to positively change your life. Through this program, I have come to realise that there are no real limits, and by using my subconscious mind I can achieve all my goals.
Thank you for a fantastic program.
The Positive Change program contains voice, the balmy sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, and dreamy musical ambience, and you will be guided through the session.
Listen to this program every day in a time and place where you can give it your full attention and have the freedom to thoroughly relax.
Never listen to this program while driving or operating a machine - it contains a potent relaxation technique that requires you to become deeply and completely relaxed.
Although this technique may be new to you, it is completely safe and natural.
If you are listening before sleeping (recommended), you will drift into a pleasant and restful sleep after the program ends.
Even if you fall asleep during the program, the powerful suggestions will still reach your subconscious mind, have a positive effect, and will manifest maximum results.
Listening to this program at any other time also induces a state of deep relaxation, from which you will return refreshed.
(Time +/- 45 Mins)
Example Affirmations
I deserve... to be happy... healthy... and successful... in all areas of my life... There is no disability... no circumstance or situation... which I cannot transform... using the power of desire... and belief... I am now... positively... changing my life... for the better... in every way... Etc...
H2007 - Developing Intuition - Hypnosis (mp3 download)
Audio Induction; Audio Affirmations;
No Subliminal Induction; No Subliminal Affirmations;
Music Ambience; Nature Ambience
Lay back and be guided into a pleasant state of deep relaxation through voice, the drowsy sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, affirmations, and dreamy musical ambience.
In this hypnotic state, you will access, and reprogram, your subconscious mind to enable you to develop and enhance your sixth sense, perceptions, problem solving ability, and natural power of intuition.
For optimum results this program should be listened to in its entirety.
Even if you fall asleep during the program the desired positive results will still manifest.
This program does not contain any subliminal message elements.
This is my favourite CMG program - it relaxes me in such a way that I just drift into that special place where I can find the solutions to my problems and the answers to my questions. I love the steps to developing intuition that are give in the program, and the imagery was definitely written specially for me. Prima!
The Developing Intuition program contains voice, the drowsy sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, and dreamy musical ambience, and you will be guided through the session.
Listen to this program every day in a time and place where you can give it your full attention and have the freedom to thoroughly relax.
Never listen to this program while driving or operating a machine - it contains a potent relaxation technique that requires you to become deeply and completely relaxed.
Although this technique may be new to you, it is completely safe and natural.
If you are listening before sleeping (recommended), you will drift into a pleasant and restful sleep after the program ends.
Even if you fall asleep during the program, the powerful suggestions will still reach your subconscious mind, have a positive effect, and will manifest maximum results.
Listening to this program at any other time also induces a state of deep relaxation, from which you will return refreshed.
(Time +/- 45 Mins)
Example Affirmations
All my senses are open... I am aware... alert... and highly intuitive... I trust... and listen... to my intuition... I am intuitive... The more... I let go... and trust... my intuition... the easier... my life becomes... I surrender control... and let intuition... guide my life... Etc...
B2004 - The Science of Being Great by Wallace D Wattles (pdf download)
Public Domain Note
This item has been compiled from material in the United States Public domain. Consequently, the item's actual content is free; and any price tag relates to the cost of gathering, reconstructing, editing, and the online storage of the item
In his book, The Science of Being Great, Wallace D Wattles distils the rules of real power and personal achievement.
This book is the companion work to The Science of Getting Rich.
Wattles (1860-1911), a self-professed failure in his early years, began a systematic study of religion and philosophy; and ultimately he developed a unique positive-thought philosophy/thought force methodology of his own.
Originally published in 1911, The Science of Being Great appeals to anyone who feels that they are not making the most of their lives.
We all want to stand out and be in control, and Wattles explains how to live aggressively and with purpose, making ourselves forces that move proactively in the world, rather than being reactive and blown about by life's circumstances.
He championed the "Law of Attraction", which proposes that a person's thoughts become, through the universal law of cause and consequence, a manifested reality in the physical world.
Today, this is commonly referred to as the Power of Positive Thinking.
In his own life, through the application of his own principles, Wattles (1860-1911), overcame poverty and failure, and became an important pioneer of the early self-help movement.
He died a prosperous man in 1911.
Among his other books are The Science of Getting Rich, The Science of Being Well, and How to Be a Genius, which are all commended to the reader.
You might like to try the "Healing Relaxation" Hypnosis Program
Lay back and be guided into a healing, state of deep relaxation through voice, the drowsy sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, and dreamy music ambience. In this hypnotic state, you will access, and reprogram, your subconscious mind to enable you to stimulate dramatic healing changes in your body by simply replacing bad cells with good cells.
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