S9005 - The Mulford Inspired Meditations
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Audio Induction; No Audio Affirmations;
Subliminal Induction; No Subliminal Affirmations;
No Ambience; Music Ambience; Nature Ambience

4th Dimensional Programs
The Mulford Inspired Meditations - Hypnosis and Subliminal (5 x mp3 download)
Immediate availability
These simple Meditations were inspired from Prentice Mulford's "Revised Thought-Force", and were included as an appendix therein.
Prentice Mulford said that the people who practice his principles "will certainly prosper", and that which they receive, health, wealth, success, and longevity, "will be in direct proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadfastness of their assumptions, and the depth of their gratitude and faith." (Prentice Mulford)
The Mulford Inspired Meditation Collection Consists of an Introduction and Five Complete Meditation Programs
The Mulford Inspired Meditation - An Introduction
1) The Mulford Inspired Meditation - Voice Only
2) The Mulford Inspired Meditation - No Nature Ambience
3) The Mulford Inspired Meditation - Stream Ambience
4) The Mulford Inspired Meditation - Sea Ambience
5) The Mulford Inspired Meditation - Rain Ambience
Each of the Meditations has both an audible and an inaudible subliminal voice, and combinations of music ambience and nature sounds, to help you to relax and develop your understanding of, and your ability to create anything that you desire - Health, Wealth, Success, and Longevity - through the power of your subconscious mind, your 4th Dimensional Self (Introduction has an audible voice only).
A synthesized voice is used for maximum effect, without the possibility of unwanted tonal or expressive imprinting.
This unique approach dramatically increases the effectiveness of the meditation, and initiates a direct and powerful communion with your subconscious mind, your 4th Dimensional Self.
The audible voice, which echoes the subliminal guiding voice, helps you to focus on what is being presented.
Daily listen to a Meditation, especially just before going to sleep, to initiate the response that you desire.
Though you will hear the audio dialogue, don't pay it too much attention.
It is the inaudible subliminal voice, communicating with your subconscious mind, your 4th Dimensional Self, that actually creates the results that you will experience.
These are very simple, but very effective Meditations.
(Each Meditation - Run Time +/- 22 Mins; Total Run Time (including Introduction) +/- 120 mins)
All Files are in an mp3 Format
You might like to try the "Revised Thought-Forces - Mulford" 4-D Program
Each Lesson, has both an audible and an inaudible subliminal voice, under nature and music ambience, to help you to develop your understanding of, and your ability to create anything that you desire - Health, Wealth, Success, Longevity, and Transformation - through the power of your subconscious mind, your 4th Dimensional Self.
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