B1006 - Iridology - A Pictorial View
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Iridology - A Pictorial View - Campbell M Gold - (pdf download)
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Iris Texture
Iris Texture
An individual's physical-constitution can be evaluated from the texture of the iris - Silk through Hessian.
The courser the texture (Hessian), the poorer and more degenerative is the individual's physical constitution.
Thus a fibre quality of Hessian, Sack, or Net pattern, indicates a degenerative condition.
Mapping the Iris
The Iris is mapped via concentric circles, which are segmented into the relative body reflections:
Iris Map
Crypt Colour
Regarding the stages of tissue imbalance, crypt colour is interpreted is as follows:
Crypt Colour
Colourless or same colour as surrounding iris - indicates that there is the potentiality for illness/pathology in the associated area.
Whitish - indicates that acute lesions are developing.
Dark and developing to a reddish or brown hue - indicates a chronic condition.
Black - indicates lesions, which have burned out with scar formation.
This indicates a degenerative condition.
What is Iridology?
Iridology is a quick, accurate, non-invasive, and painless system of health analysis through the examination of the coloured part of the eye known as the iris.
Proclaimed throughout the ages as "windows of the soul", the eyes are acknowledged as mirrors of the body and are likened to miniature screens recording the condition of the various organs and tissues throughout the body.
How Can Iridology Help?
The iris records information about the state and functioning of every organ in the body as well as levels of inflammation and toxicity.
This enables the underlying cause of the symptoms we may experience to be detected and removed.
The greatest feature and main advantage of iridology over other forms of health screening is that changes appear in the iris before the physical symptom develops.
Therefore, preventive action may be taken to improve health and avoid those diseases that might otherwise follow.
Iridology does not reveal specific pathology (medical diseases) because many diseases create similar changes in the body tissues.
The iris reflects the condition of the tissues (i.e. inflammation, acidity, toxicity, congested lymph, and hardening of the arteries).
Iridology is therefore not concerned with specific symptoms, but with the restoration and maintenance of health by building up the body's immunity and life force.
A primary theory of Iridology is that the iris is constructed in layers that represent the four stages of tissue activity:
-- Acute changes
-- Sub-acute changes
-- Chronic changes
-- Degenerative changes
By visualising which layer has the defect, the iridologist can postulate on the nature of the problem.
Iridology - the Science
The science of Iridology adds a significant analysis in the general constitution of the human body, and it is now currently practised as a healing and preventative health care modality in many countries throughout the world.
Iridology - the History
The medical doctor named Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1907) from Egernar, near Budapest, Hungary has proved the basis of the method and proposed his own iris zones projection chart although rather primitive from modern point of view but relatively reliable.
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