B2004 - The Science of Being Great - Wattles
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Vintage Books
The Science of Being Great - Wallace D Wattles - 1911 (pdf download)
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In his book, The Science of Being Great, Wallace D Wattles distils the rules of real power and personal achievement.
This book is the companion work to The Science of Getting Rich.
Wattles (1860-1911), a self-professed failure in his early years, began a systematic study of religion and philosophy; and ultimately he developed a unique positive-thought philosophy/thought force methodology of his own.
Originally published in 1911, The Science of Being Great appeals to anyone who feels that they are not making the most of their lives.
We all want to stand out and be in control, and Wattles explains how to live aggressively and with purpose, making ourselves forces that move proactively in the world, rather than being reactive and blown about by life's circumstances.
He championed the Law of Attraction, which proposes that a person's thoughts become, through the universal law of cause and consequence, a manifested reality in the physical world.
Wattles (1860-1911), a self-professed failure in his early years, began a systematic study of religion and philosophy; and ultimately he developed a unique positive-thought philosophy/thought force methodology of his own.
Originally published in 1911, The Science of Being Great appeals to anyone who feels that they are not making the most of their lives.
We all want to stand out and be in control, and Wattles explains how to live aggressively and with purpose, making ourselves forces that move proactively in the world, rather than being reactive and blown about by life's circumstances.
He championed the Law of Attraction, which proposes that a person's thoughts become, through the universal law of cause and consequence, a manifested reality in the physical world.
Today, this is commonly referred to as the "Power of Positive Thinking".
In his own life, through the application of his own principles, Wattles (1860-1911), overcame poverty and failure, and became an important pioneer of the early self-help movement.
Among his other books are The Science of Getting Rich, The Science of Being Well, and How to Be a Genius, which are all commended to the reader.
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