Word Shortcuts for Bloggers
Published by Campbell M Gold in Misc · Monday 10 Jun 2024
Tags: Blog, Article, Page, Word, Shortcuts, Bloggers, MS, Word, Shortcuts, Time, saving, Efficiency
Tags: Blog, Article, Page, Word, Shortcuts, Bloggers, MS, Word, Shortcuts, Time, saving, Efficiency
Word Shortcuts for Bloggers.
Learn how to save time and increase productivity with these helpful word shortcuts for bloggers. Explore efficient methods to navigate and format your document's content...
1. Keyboard Shortcuts
Single Hyperlink Removed - Right-click on Hyperlink and click Remove Hyperlink
All Hyperlinks Removed - Ctrl+A to select All then Ctrl+Shift+F9
F1 - Help
F5 - Find, Replace, and Go-To window
Ctrl+Z - Undo
Ctrl+Y - Redo
Win Key+F4 - Repeat Last Text
Ctrl+A - Select All
Ctrl+Space - Remove All Formatting
Ctrl+X - Cut
Ctrl+Z - Undo Cut
Ctrl+C - Copy
Ctrl+V - Paste
Shift+Insert - Paste from Clipboard
Ctrl+B - Bold
Ctrl+I - Italic
Ctrl+Shift+A - All Caps
Shift+F3 - Upper to Lower or Cap begins each word
Ctrl+E - Align Centre
Ctrl+L - Align Left
Ctrl+R - Align Right
Ctrl+M - Indent
Ctrl+T - Hanging Indent
Shift+Tab - Remove Indent
Ctrl+Del - Delete Word Right
Ctrl+Backsp - Delete Word Left
Ctrl+Shift+8 - View/Hide Non-Print Chars
Ctrl+Enter - Page Break
Shift+Enter - Soft Break instead of New Para
Ctrl+Shift+Sp - Hard Space
Ctrl+1 - Single Line Space
Ctrl+5 - 1.5 Line Space
Ctrl+2 - Double Line Space
Ctrl+Shift+L - Bullet Point
Ctrl+Home - Cur to Beg of Doc
Ctrl+End - Cur to End of Doc
Ctrl+↑ - Cur to Beg of Line or Para
Ctrl+↓ - Cur to End of Para
Shift+Arrow Keys - Mark Text
Ctrl+Alt+1 - Text to Heading 1
Ctrl+Alt+2 - Text to Heading 2
Ctrl+Alt+3 - Text to Heading 3
Shift+F7 - Thesaurus check on word
Alt+F9 - Hide/Show Field Codes
Alt+X - Show Unicode Code of Char
Ctrl+Shift+F12 - Print Doc
2. Mouse Shortcuts
Ctrl+Wheel - Zooms in/out of Doc
Click, Hold, and Drag - Selects text from where clicked and held to where dragged and let go
Double-Click - Double-clicking a word, selects the complete word
Double-Click - Double-clicking left, centre, or right of blank line aligns left, centre, or right
Double-Click - Double-clicking anywhere after text sets a Tab Stop
Triple-Click - Selects Line or Para
Source: computerhope.com and AI (used for comparison with MS and Adapted)
Source: Archives
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