Margaret Thatcher was one of the most controversial political figures of her time. Her policies divided the country, and many people still hate her now, even though she died in 2013.

Discover the intriguing tale of "The Usurper" in this reflective blog post. Join us as we delve into the story of a quiet garden, an apple tree, and an unexpected twist that changed everything. (1st Published 1994)

Adolf Eichmann, a prominent figure in the Nazi regime, is best known for his role in the organisation of the logistics of the Final Solution. His actions and the subsequent trial that followed his capture have made him a focal point in discussions about the moral and legal implications of obedience to authority. His confession is included in this post.

Generally, I do not discuss this area; however, in response to several enquiries asking who I am, find out about the person behind the blog in this personal post!

Don Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican author and spiritual teacher, is best known for his book "The Four Agreements", published 01 January 1997. This influential work presents a code of conduct based on ancient Toltec wisdom to promote personal freedom and a fulfilling life.
The four agreements serve as practical guidelines to help individuals transform their relationships with themselves and others.
The four agreements serve as practical guidelines to help individuals transform their relationships with themselves and others.

The Holocaust remains one of the most tragic events in human history, and the responsibility for addressing its consequences has been a significant focus for Germany since the end of World War II. This article explores the financial reparations made by Germany to Holocaust survivors and their families.

Following the conclusion of World War II, the issue of war reparations became a significant topic in the international community. Having been defeated in the war, Germany faced numerous demands from various countries for compensation for the damages caused during the conflict. This article explores the nations that received reparations from Germany and the nature of these reparations.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown, there were some lighter moments - this was my favourite.

Ah, the year 2024! It's a time when everything feels just a tad more ridiculous, especially in the realm of political correctness. It’s as if the world collectively decided that to be sensitive, one must also employ the most convoluted language imaginable.

Discover the intense and thrilling journey through the concept of divine retribution in this blog post - The Wrath of God - A Parable

This is an important issue that the parapsychologist must be very clear about in his mind. Religion can hamper man’s spiritual development, especially when the religion’s god is an absentee landlord who sets laws in opposition by granting man’s freedom and then condemning man when freedom is exercised.

World’s richest 1% emit the same amount of carbon as 5 billion of the world’s poorest. The scale of the problem is staggering - the carbon footprint of the world's wealthiest one percent is comparable to the combined emissions of two-thirds of the world's poorest population, according to a study.