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*Bird Flu "Pandemic" - Early Warning

Right on schedule, the powers that be are warning that they plan to unleash another fake pandemic psy-op, this time based on so-called bird flu. According to "science," the coming bird flu pandemic will be "100 times worse than COVID" – not because it is a real threat, but because the government's response to all the fake news about it will be unlike anything this world has ever seen.
Campbell M Gold | 23 Aug 2024

*The Georgia Guidestones - A Mysterious Monument

Erected in 1980, this structure became a subject of intrigue, controversy, and speculation over the years, often referred to as "America's Stonehenge." The Guidestones were notable not only for their size and construction but also for the enigmatic messages inscribed on them. The Guidestones have subsequently been destroyed.
Campbell M Gold | 22 Aug 2024

*God and the LGBTQ+ Issue

The rights of LGBTQ+ individuals centre around equality, legal recognition, and social acceptance, while the wrongs often highlight issues of discrimination, violence, and legal injustices. However, something is missing in the debate - one Important opinion is not there - God's...
Campbell M Gold | 20 Aug 2024

The Legend of the Wandering Jew

The Wandering Jew is a medieval Christian figure who spread widely in Europe in the thirteenth century and became a fixture of Christian mythology and literature. It concerns a Jew who, according to legend, taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion and was then cursed to walk the earth until the Second Coming of Christ.
Campbell M Gold | 19 Aug 2024
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