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And Then there was AI

Discover the mysterious arrival of an esoteric message blowing in the wind on August 11, 2024, at 10:00 PM, seemingly linked to the emergence of AI. We are indeed living in the most interesting of times...
Campbell M Gold | 11 Aug 2024

The Digital Pound - A New Form of UK Money?

This document is a Consultation Paper issued jointly by the Bank of England and HM Treasury concerning the "digital pound." It seeks feedback on the policy and technical work undertaken so far to inform a future decision on whether or not to progress with building and launching a digital pound.
Campbell M Gold | 11 Aug 2024

*COVID-19 - 1 in a Billion Chance from Nature

Scientist Tells Lawmakers: COVID-19 Had "1 in a Billion" Chance of Emerging from Nature. During a historic bipartisan hearing led by Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Gary Peters and ranking member Sen. Rand Paul, scientists and U.S. senators presented a "preponderance of evidence" showing that COVID-19 was a laboratory construct.
Campbell M Gold | 11 Aug 2024

*The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations

Myron Coureval Fagan, a Jewish American playwright, delivered a lecture in 1967 titled “The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations.” In the original three vinyl records, Fagan reveals the Illuminati's history and their alleged Satanic plot for a One World Government - "An ancient plot of Communist persuasion and the gradual takeover of America from within." Here is the transcript.
Campbell M Gold | 09 Aug 2024

*The John Todd Tapes

In his public appearances, Todd made various claims about masons, witches, Satanists, and the Illuminati, who he alleged were conspiring against Christians. These claimed conspiracies often included government officials and leaders of Christian organisations. Hear John Todd for yourself.
Campbell M Gold | 09 Aug 2024
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