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Kamala Harris – Who is She?

With Joe Biden stepping down as the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, the field will open to other nominees for the November election. However, Biden has backed Vice President Kamala Harris, and other prominent Democrats have also rallied around her candidacy.
Campbell M Gold | 23 Jul 2024

Vit B1 - Vital in the Stressful 21st Century

In our stressful 21st-century world, most people have a vitamin B1 Deficiency. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is a vital water-soluble vitamin essential for the body's metabolism. It is responsible for converting carbohydrates from our food into energy the body can use. Thiamine is also crucial in maintaining a healthy brain, blood, digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous system.
Campbell M Gold | 19 Jul 2024

Solar System - Helical Representation

The helical representation of the solar system offers a visualisation of the complex interplay between the planets and the sun as they travel through space. This model presents a dynamic, three-dimensional motion as the entire solar system spirals through the Milky Way galaxy.
Campbell M Gold | 17 Jul 2024
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