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Life-Force / Thought-Force Energy - The Key to Everything - Campbell M Gold.com

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Life-Force / Thought-Force Energy - The Key to Everything

Everything in the universe is energy based, and all manifested reality is simply universal energy which has been directed/manipulated by the collective consciousness, with its collective potential and formless substance.

Moreover, we as sentient beings are part of that collective consciousness, and can be equated to conscious thought force energy.

And through personal experience, we expand our individual consciousness by adding to the "energy" that we are, with the "energy" that we are not.

In the 4th Dimension (Etheric, Mental, Conscious, and Source Realms), we exist as pure conscious thought forms (See The Experiential Bodies and the 4th Dimensional You in FAQ); however, in the Three Dimensional Experiential Realm (the physical universe), we interface our conscious-selves, through our Physical Bodies, and thereby effectively experience that which is manifested in the Physical Realm.

An important aspect, of individual, and collective-consciousness, is the collective-potential, which is expressed through the formless-substance, that pervades, within, without, and in-between every-thing, and it is through the formless-substance, that all manifested reality, comes into being.

Additionally, the collective-consciousness, with its collective-potential, has a powerful inherent drive, to explore its full existential-self, through the transformation, of its potential, into a physical experiential reality.

This, is the very essence and purpose of an unfolding universe, with its collective consciousness elements, that seeks to express, and to experience its own infinite potential.

The transformative ability, of the collective-consciousness, with its collective-potential, is activated by thought force, which is impressed, upon the formless-substance. And this results, through the universal law, of cause and consequence, in the manifestation, of the corresponding physical-reality.

And we, as sentient beings, who are part of that collective consciousness, exist and operate within the remit of that universal law and thought force energy.

What Does Life/Thought Force Energy Look Like?

Additionally, as sentient beings, we channel, transform, and emanate Life/Thought Force energy.

The toroid shaped energy field, which is commonly referred to as our Aura, is the reflection of our state of personal growth and development, harmony, and balance.

Life Force Energy flows through us, from the Crown of the Head to the Base of the Pelvis

Any distortion of our Life-Force/Chakra Energy flow (especially disease) is reflected in the Aura, and can be corrected accordingly.

Consequently Universal Life Force Energy flows through us, from the Crown of our Head to the Base of our Pelvis.

And, as that life force energy flows through us, it manifests as detectable vortices, or "Chakras," along the spinal tract of our Subtle and Physical Bodies.

Accordingly, we absorb that life force energy and use it in our experiential and transformative conscious expansion activity.

Additionally, a reflection of our complete being, and our state of harmony and balance, emanates from us as a toroid (doughnut) shaped energy field, which is commonly referred to as our aura.

And, your aura is nothing more than Life-Force/Chakra Energy as it flows through you and manifests around you.

Balanced Life-Force / Chakra Energy = Maximum Vitality, Protection, Health, and Longevity

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