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Converging thoughts and alternatives, including health, esotericism, and revisionist thinking

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Welcome to a World of new Possibilities...
What We Do
We Produce Specialist Programs and a Knowledge Base, to Help Transform Your Life.

And all that You truly Believe, You will be able to Achieve.
Our Approach
Our approach is simple - Believe Nothing, and Question Everything.

So, Distrust, Question, and Evaluate everything.
What Some of Our Contributers Say
"There are no incurable diseases!" (Christian D Larson)

"Your habitual thinking and imagery molds, fashions, and creates your destiny; for as a man thinketh in his subconscious-mind so is he." (Dr Joseph Murphy)
How Does it All Work?
Through Relaxation, Visualisation, and Focusing Thought-Force, You can direct Your Subconscious Mind to Attract/Create/Manifest all that You Want/Desire.
Begin Your Journey
Listen to "The Strangest Secret", and Begin Your Journey to Unlock the Power of Your Mind.

"Plant your goal in your Mind. It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your entire life." (Earl Nightingale)
Knowledge Base
Explore our Knowledge Base and truly "Know Thyself".

Here is everything You Need to Know, and How to Apply it.
Hypnosis Programs
Programs containing Voice, Musical Ambience, Affirmations, and Nature Sounds that communicate with Your Subconscious Mind and help You Create all You Want/Desire.
Subliminal Programs
Programs containing Inaudible Subliminal Elements, beneath Nature Sounds and Music Ambience, that re-program Your Subconscious Mind to act in accordance with Your innermost Wants/Desires.
Healing Programs
Programs containing combinations of Voice-Directed Hypnosis, Nature Sounds, and Inaudible Subliminal Elements to unlock Your Natural Healing Processes.
Empowerment Programs
Programs containing Nature Sounds and Gentle Ambience to transport You to that Inner-Place where You can program Your subconscious mind to attract all that You Want/Desire.
Classical Power Programs
Programs containing combinations of Classical Music, Nature Sounds, and Inaudible Subliminal Elements to realise the title's desired results through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
4-D Programs
Discover the 4th Dimensional You, and Unlock everything You desire - Health, Wealth, Success, Transformation & Longevity.

These Programs contain a Synthesized Voice for Maximum Effect, without unwanted Tonal or Expressive Imprinting.
We Produce Audio Programs and a Knowledge Base to Transform Your Life...
Whatever Your desires, dreams and aspirations, they are the innermost reflection of who You want to be, and You have the ability to attain all that You desire.

You may not be aware of it, but You already hold the key to Transform any aspect of Your life; and this power lies within Your Subconscious Mind - Everyone is born with this Gift, but few ever learn to Use it.

So, by listening to the Program(s) of Your choice, and studying the Knowledge Base, You can unlock the power of Your Subconscious Mind, and "All that You truly Believe, You will be able to truly Achieve".
Our Approach...
Our Approach is Simple - Believe Nothing, and Question Everything.

So, distrust, question, and carefully evaluate the materials, therapies, suggestions, and possibilities that are presented herein to create Health, Wealth, Success, Transformation, and Longevity.

And then, You must be completely happy with the presented Principles and Applications before using any of them.

People should think things out fresh, and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things.
(Buckminster Fuller)

In other words:
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

And give it a try...

The dissenter is every human-being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
(Archhibald MacLeish)

If you have any questions, please Contact Us - we are here to help.

Click Here for more about us.
What Some of Our Contributors Say...
There are no incurable diseases!
(Christian D Larson)

It is abnormal to be sick; it simply means you are going against the stream of life and thinking negatively.
(Dr Joseph Murphy)

You become what you think about all day long.
(Earl Nightingale)

I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world.

Miracles will happen to you too when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind.

Your habitual thinking and imagery molds, fashions, and creates your destiny; for as a man thinketh in his subconscious mind so is he.
(Dr Joseph Murphy)

Subconscious Healing Power

There is a Miraculous Healing Power within Your Subconscious Mind.
(Dr Joseph Murphy)

The Four Keys to Create Health and Longevity - Everything You Need for Health and a Long Life

The Key to Everything is Your Thought-Force - The Power of Your Mind...
Your thought is an invisible substance, as real as air, water, or metal.

It acts apart from Your body; it goes from You to others, far and near; it acts on them, moves and influences them. It does this whether Your body be sleeping or waking.

This is your Real Power.

As You learn how this power really acts; as You learn how to hold, use, and control it - You will do more profitable business, and accomplish more in an hour than now You may do in a week. You will continually increase this power by exercise. This, and only this, was the basis of the miracles, the magic or esoteric power of ancient times.
(Prentice Mulford)

Your Mind is a spark of the infinite Collective Consciousness; consequently, whatever your Mind believes intensely will, through inexorable cause and consequence, Come to Pass
(Campbell M Gold)

How does it All Work?
Through Relaxation, Visualisation, and Focusing Your Thought-Force, You can direct Your Subconscious Mind to Attract/Create/Manifest all that You Want/Desire.

If You can visualise it, You can realise it!
(Campbell M Gold)

Change Your thoughts, and You change your world.
(Norman Vincent Peale)

As above, so below; As within, so without
(Esoteric Saying)

Programs to Help...
Our Hypnosis, Subliminal, Healing, Empowerment, Classical Power, and 4-D Programs are designed to create Positive Change and Manifestation through the Power of Thought Force and Your Subconscious Mind.

To think you can, creates the force that can.
(Orison Marden)

Hypnosis, Subliminal, and Empowerment Programs to Transform Your Life

The Programs are produced in MP3 format

Our special recording technique uses Interleaved Sound-Segments, Audible Voice, Ambience, and Inaudible Subliminal Elements to help You Achieve/Manifest the Results You Want.

Product Pages - See what can be of help to You

Product Catalogue - Everything at a Glance

(Audio, Subliminal, Music, Nature Ambience, etc)

What Next?
The Strangest Secret

First - Explore the "Strangest Secret", and then Decide what You "Really Want".

Decide now what it is, that you want

The object of all life is "development".
(Wallace D Wattles)

To Live is to Experience, and to expand is to find meaning in the experience.
(Campbell M Gold)

And begin Your Journey to Unlock Your Mind Power

So decide now.
What is it that You want?
Plant your goal in Your mind.
It's the most important decision You'll ever make in Your entire life.
(Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret)

But Beware:

There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labour of thinking.
(Sir Joshua Reynolds)


Be a lamp unto Yourself and and seek Your own liberation with diligence.

Where To From Here?

NEXT - Everything You Need to Know - An Introduction to "How it all Works"

Knowledge Base - Comprehensive Information about "You and Your Possibilities"

What is Your "Secret and Purpose"? - Find out more Here

What are the Four Keys to Create Health and Longevity? - Everything You need for "Health and a Long Life"

The Strangest Secret - A good place to Start Your Journey of Self-Discovery


Explore our Archives and learn more about the Alternatives and Possibilities available to You

Especially explore the Vintage Archive - This is where You "Look Back" to "Move Forward"

Consider helping with a Small Donation


Product Pages - See what can be of Help to You

Listen to Audio Samples from our Programs

(Audio, Subliminal, Music, Nature Ambience, etc)

Catalogue - Everything at a Glance

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