B1002 - The Astro Health Analysis Handbook
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CMG Books
The Astro Health Analysis Handbook - Campbell M Gold - (pdf download)
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To evaluate a Native's health relative to anatomy (the structures), physiology (the operations), pathology (the afflictions), and remedies (the re-synchronising), the following Astrological charts are compiled:
Decumbiture Chart - Indicates the energies causing or surrounding a particular Pathology.
However, because of the 'subjectivity' of the erection of the Decumbiture chart, it must be created and interpreted extremely carefully.
Natal Chart - Indicates the native's birth health (including acquired health) disposition.
Progressed Chart - Indicates the native's health disposition related to a specific period of time.
This chart is usually cast for a particular year/period of the native's life.
Transit Chart - Indicates the native's specific health issues related to the now.
This chart is cast when the native is feeling unwell, or when the native requires a health related prediction.
This book only deals with interpretation, and assumes that you already have a facility to generate the necessary Decumbiture, Natal, Progressed, and Transit Charts
The book also assumes that you have an advanced working knowledge of Decumbiture Astrology
This book is not for beginners
Welcome to the world of Health Analysis Astrology
This handbook is written in a no nonsense format that will impart, to you, the various methods and interpretations that relate to Health Analysis Astrology.
However, Health Astrology is a very subjective and controversial field; consequently, the information provided herein is given as "common practise", but without establishing any claims as to accuracy or efficacy.
Each practitioner must evaluate the various methodologies and interpretations for themselves, and thereby establish what works for them and their clients.
However, Health Astrology is a very subjective and controversial field; consequently, the information provided herein is given as "common practise", but without establishing any claims as to accuracy or efficacy.
Each practitioner must evaluate the various methodologies and interpretations for themselves, and thereby establish what works for them and their clients.
Astro Physiological and Psychological Correspondence
Physiological - House - Psychological
Head - 1st House - Ego, and self assertion
Throat, and neck - 2nd House - Possessions, and values
Lungs, chest, arms, hands, and nerves - 3rd House - Communications, transport, learning, neighbours, and relatives
Stomach, and breasts - 4th House - Home, family, and security
Heart, and back - 5th House - Creativity, and children
Abdomen, and intestines - 6th House - Work, health, duty, and co-workers
Kidneys, lumbar - 7th House - Relationships, and partnerships
Colon, genitals, bladder, rectum, and lower back - 8th House - Sex, transformation, shared possessions, inheritance, and power struggles
Hips, and thighs - 9th House - Religion, wanderlust, law, and higher education
Skin, knees, and bones - 10th House - Career, and reputation
Circulation, calves, and ankles - 11th House - Friends, groups, goals, objectives, and human fellowship
Feet - 12th House - Unselfishness, psychism, and the unconscious
Head - 1st House - Ego, and self assertion
Throat, and neck - 2nd House - Possessions, and values
Lungs, chest, arms, hands, and nerves - 3rd House - Communications, transport, learning, neighbours, and relatives
Stomach, and breasts - 4th House - Home, family, and security
Heart, and back - 5th House - Creativity, and children
Abdomen, and intestines - 6th House - Work, health, duty, and co-workers
Kidneys, lumbar - 7th House - Relationships, and partnerships
Colon, genitals, bladder, rectum, and lower back - 8th House - Sex, transformation, shared possessions, inheritance, and power struggles
Hips, and thighs - 9th House - Religion, wanderlust, law, and higher education
Skin, knees, and bones - 10th House - Career, and reputation
Circulation, calves, and ankles - 11th House - Friends, groups, goals, objectives, and human fellowship
Feet - 12th House - Unselfishness, psychism, and the unconscious
Health Astrology Technical Areas
Health Astrology is divided into four technical areas:1) Anatomy (the structures) - This is represented by the Signs/Houses.
This describes the physical elements that constitute the organism.
2) Physiology (the operations) - This is represented by the Planets.
2) Physiology (the operations) - This is represented by the Planets.
This describes the functioning of the elements within the organism.
3) Pathology (the afflictions) - This is represented by the positioning and aspects of the planets relative to each other, and to the signs/houses.
3) Pathology (the afflictions) - This is represented by the positioning and aspects of the planets relative to each other, and to the signs/houses.
From this analysis any dis-ease (out-of-synchronisation) can be identified and evaluated.
4) Remedies (the re-synchronising) - This is represented by the Tissue Salt (recommended) or equivalent remedy.
4) Remedies (the re-synchronising) - This is represented by the Tissue Salt (recommended) or equivalent remedy.
The remedies are used to aid the re-synchronising of the organism, and assisting it to again achieve homeostasis within the flow of space-time and unfolding universal energy.
You might like to try the "Healing Relaxation" Hypnosis Program
Lay back and be guided into a healing, state of deep relaxation through voice, the drowsy sounds of the sea, positive visualisation, and dreamy music ambience. In this hypnotic state, you will access, and reprogram, your subconscious mind to enable you to stimulate dramatic healing changes in your body by simply replacing bad cells with good cells.
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