B1003 - Hand and Palm Analysis
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Hand and Palm Analysis - Campbell M Gold - (pdf download)
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Rationale Behind Hand and Palm Analysis

Hand and Palm Analysis
The rationale behind hand and palm analysis lies in neurological science.
Many thousands of nerve endings link the brain with the hands via the spinal cord, and there is a constant two-way communication via the hands and the outside world.
Because of this neurological traffic, the lines of the palm are seen as translatable reflections of the individual's physical, emotional, mental, and conscious/spiritual condition.
In Western Esoteric Science based hand and palm analysis, the Dominant hand (usually the Right Hand) is said to indicate the individual's nature as it is now. This is called "The Hand of Actuality".
The Non-dominant hand (usually the Left Hand) is said to indicate the individual's potentialities (inherited gifts, etc) that they were born with. This is called "The Hand of Potentiality."
In Western Esoteric Science based hand and palm analysis, the Dominant hand (usually the Right Hand) is said to indicate the individual's nature as it is now. This is called "The Hand of Actuality."
The Non-dominant hand (usually the Left Hand) is said to indicate the individual's potentialities (inherited gifts, etc) that they were born with. This is called "The Hand of Potentiality."
This rule is reversed for persons who are left handed (Left Hand Dominance).
By observing and noting the "differences" between the two hands (Potential and Actual), information can be gathered which reveals the energies and the path that the individual has travelled in the past, and the challenges, energies, and potential that lies ahead.
Note: In Eastern Hand Analysis techniques, the Hand of Actuality is the Left Hand irrespective of hand dominance.
The Hand of Potentiality is the Right Hand irrespective of hand dominance.
Hand Map-Legends and Locations

Hand Map-Legends and Locations
1) Finger of Jupiter - The first finger.
2) Ring of Solomon - Located around the base of the Jupiter finger.
3) Phalange of Will - The first or nail phalange of the Thumb.
4) Mount of Jupiter - Located at the base of the Jupiter finger.
5) Girdle of Venus - Starts between the Mercury finger and the Sun finger, and ends between the Jupiter finger and the Saturn finger.
6) Phalange of Logic - Second phalange of the Thumb.
7) Lower Mount of Mars - Located between the Mount of Jupiter and the Mount of Venus.
8) Life Line - Starts below the Mount of Jupiter and ends by curving around the lower part of the Mount of Venus.
9) Mars Line - Runs parallel to the Life Line.
10) Mount of Venus - Located at the base of the second phalange of the Thumb (It is, in fact, the third phalange of the Thumb).
11) Via Lasciva (Milky way) - Starts at the bottom of the Mount of Venus and runs across the palm, with a slight upward slope, to the lower part of the Mount of The Moon.
12) Bracelets (Rascettes) - Located on the wrist, running across the wrist, below the Mount of Venus and the Mount of the Moon.
13) Finger of Saturn - The second finger.
14) Finger of Sun (Apollo) - The third finger.
15) Finger of Mercury - The fourth finger.
16) Ring of Saturn - Located around the base of the Saturn finger.
17) Mount of Saturn - Located at the base of the Saturn finger.
18) Mount of the Sun (Apollo) - Located at the base of the Sun (Apollo) finger.
19) Heart Line - Starts between the Mount of Mercury and the upper Mount of Mars, and runs across the palm towards the Mount of Jupiter.
20) Mount of Mercury - Located at the base of the Mercury finger.
21) Head Line - Starts between the Mount of Jupiter and the lower Mount of Mars, and runs across the hand towards the Mount of the Moon.
22) Child Lines - Vertical lines located between the Mount of Mercury and the Upper Mount of Mars.
23) Marriage Lines - Horizontal lines located between the Mount of Mercury and the upper Mount of Mars.
24) Health Line (Hepatica) - Starts lower in the hand, and runs towards the Mount of Mercury.
25) Line of Intuition - Runs between the upper part of the Mount of the Moon (Luna) and the lower part of the Mount of the Moon (Luna).
26) Upper Mount of Mars - Located between the Mount of Mercury and the Mount of the Moon.
27) Fate Line - Starts lower in the hand, and runs towards the Mount of Saturn.
28) Sun Line (Apollo) - Starts lower in the hand, and runs towards the Mount of the Sun.
29) Mount of the Moon (Luna) - Located below the upper Mount of Mars and follows the hand's percussion.
Welcome to the world of hand and palm analysis.
The objective of this book is to introduce you to hand and palm analysis.
This will be done in a systematic way that will enable you to understand the rationale behind hand and palm analysis.
Following the study of this material, you will be able to:
() Make readable hand and thumb prints.
() Recognise the component parts that make up an accurate hand and palm analysis.
() Identify and name the various Lines, Mounts, Markings, and Physical Hand Features.
() Map and integrate the various related features ready for interpretation.
() Analyse, from the correlated information, the life implications, and make an overall assessment that is of benefit to the client.
There are two components related to hand and palm analysis:
1) Hand Analysis - the physiological shape and dimensions of the hand.
2) Palm Analysis - the lines, markings, and mount aspects of the hand.
1) Hand Analysis - the physiological shape and dimensions of the hand.
2) Palm Analysis - the lines, markings, and mount aspects of the hand.
Hand and palm analysis is classified as an Esoteric Science, and has its origin rooted in the mists of the past.
It appears that mankind has always had an interest in hand markings and shapes.
Early palm prints have been discovered in Stone-Age cave paintings.
Some esoteric scholars believe that the origin of hand and palm analysis lies with the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Chaldeans, or Babylonians.
However, the earliest verifiable references to hand and palm analysis come from the Indian literature of the Vedic period (c. 2000 BC) in the East, and in the works of Aristotle (384-322 BC) in the West.
Often, modern practitioners refer to Hand and Palm Analysis or "Palmistry" as "Chirognomy," "Chirology," or "Chiromancy."
These terms are derived from the Greek word "Cheir," meaning "Hand."
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