Blog Article Page - Campbell M

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Desiderata - Time to Drift

We are children of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars - we have a right to be here - and we must strive, strive to be happy - let's drift together for a few moments. Discover the beauty of drifting through life, so let's take a moment to embrace our place in the universe and strive for happiness.
Campbell M Gold | 05 Jun 2024

Blue Water

Dive into the mystical world of Blue Water and explore the wonders of this "Fountain of Life" in our latest blog post. Discover the magic behind sipping chilled Blue Water and why it's like consuming "Pure Light."
Campbell M Gold | 01 May 2024

Collective Consciousness

Discover that everything in the universe is energy-based, and all manifested reality is simply universal energy that has been manipulated/transformed by the collective consciousness, with its collective potential and formless substance.
Campbell M Gold | 07 Apr 2024

Universal Consciousness

Discover the concept of Universal Consciousness and its connection to collective consciousness in our Esoteric Existential Philosophy! Explore the depths of these terms and their significance in understanding the formless substance that shapes our reality.
Campbell M Gold | 06 Apr 2024
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