The World Economic Forum (WEF) has quietly revealed that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" was a "test" hatched by the globalists to see how compliant and obedient the public is to globalist tyranny.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown, there were some lighter moments - this was my favourite.

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer suggests that the UK should reimpose "COVID-style" lockdown restrictions to prevent rioting. Starmer believes that measures similar to those taken during the pandemic should be employed to control the current unrest.

Right on schedule, the powers that be are warning that they plan to unleash another fake pandemic psy-op, this time based on so-called bird flu. According to "science," the coming bird flu pandemic will be "100 times worse than COVID" – not because it is a real threat, but because the government's response to all the fake news about it will be unlike anything this world has ever seen.

COVID-19 - Lockdowns, School/Business/Venue Closures and Mask Mandates were Ineffective and Caused Significant Harm. Dr. Atlas, who served as a special adviser to President Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been a vocal critic of the widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines.

In a bombshell revelation that reshapes the narrative around the “COVID-19 pandemic,” a groundbreaking study involving researchers from Correlation Research in the Public Interest has found that COVID-19 vaccines had little to no beneficial impact on mortality rates but instead contributed to 17 million deaths globally!