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Archive - Special Interest
> Archives Items
After Waterloo - Frye - 1815-1819
All About the Klondyke Gold Mines - 1897
Analects of Confucius, The - Legge
Ancient Man, The Beginnings of Civilizations - van Loon - 1922
Animal Farm - Orwell - 1945
Anthem - Ayn Rand Rand - 1938
Anti-Christ, The - Nietzsche - 1895
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand -1957
Ben Hur - Wallace - 1880
Bhagavad-Gita, The
Bible, The - King James Bible and Apocrypha, The - 1611
Book of Mormon, The (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
Bushido, The Soul of Japan - Nitobe - 1908
Catcher in the Rye, The - Salinger - 1951
Civilian Casualties of WW2
Communist Manifesto, The - Marx and Engels - 1848
Coningsby - Disraeli - 1844
Corrupt Government - Sample - Lytton - 1834
De Profundis - Wilde - 1905
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 1, The - Gibbon - 1789
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 2, The - Gibbon - 1789
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 3, The - Gibbon - 1789
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 4, The - Gibbon - 1789
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 5, The - Gibbon - 1789
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 6, The - Gibbon - 1789
Divine Comedy, The - Dante - Longfellow - 1308-1321
Doctrine and Covenants, The (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
Dominions of the British Empire, The
Down and Out in Paris and London - Orwell - 1933
Dr Faustus - Marlowe - 1616
Dream Days - Grahame - 1898
Emile - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1762
Epic of Hades - Morris - 1885
Eugenical Sterilization in the United States - Laughlin - 1922 - Eugenics
Executive Orders - United States
Faust - Goethe - 1868
Fountainhead, The - Ayn Rand - 1943
Four Arthurian Romances - De Troyes - c. 12th Century AD
Francis Frith Photos, The - 1856
Gathering of Brother Hilarius, The - Fairless - 1912
Gay Science (Fragment) - Nietzsche - 1882
Golden Age, The - Grahame - 1895
High Beeches House - An Overview
High History of the Holy Graal, The - Unknown - c. 13th Century AD
Hiroshima - 1945
History - Ancient States and Empires - Lord - 1869
History - Britain - A View by Strabo - Britain
History - British Tribes
History - Cannibals in Prehistoric Britain
History - Early Britain - Roman Britain - Conybeare - 1903
History - Edward VII Succession
History - French Revolution, The - A Brief Timeline
History - Herodotus' Account of Egypt - Macaulay
History - Historie of England 4 - Holinshed - 1577
History - Historie of England 5 - Holinshed - 1577
History - History of Ancient Civilization - Seignobos - 1907
History - Mining in Roman Britain
History - Prehistoric Britain
History - Pre-Roman Overview of Britain
History - Pre-Roman Tribes in Britain - Map
History - Roman Departure from Britain - Overview
History - Roman Rulers
History - The British Empire Bounds - 1905
History - The common People of Ancient Rome - Abbott - 1911
History - The History of Herodotus 1 - Macaulay - 1890
History - The History of Herodotus 2 - Macaulay - 1890
History of China, A - Eberhard - 1955
Holy Koran, The - Pikhtal - 610-632 AD
Holy Koran, The - Three Translations - 610-632 AD
Holy Koran, The - Yusuf Ali - 610-632 AD
Home of Mankind, The - The Story of the World we Live in - van Loon - 1946
Hundred Years by Post, A - A Jubilee Retrospect - Hyde
Iceman Cometh, The - O'Neill - 1946
Idiot, The - Dostoyevsky - 1869
Iliad of Homer, The - Buckley - 1873
In the Heart of Africa - Baker - 1861
Inherit the Wind (The Monkey Trial)
(Not Currently Available -
Copyright Issue)
Inquiries Into Human Faculty and Its Development - Galton - 1883
Interpreting Roman Numerals
Jewish Population Distribution
Journal of the Plague Year, The - Defoe - 1722
Jungle, The - Sinclair - 1906
Lancashire Clogs and Shawls
Language Families
Last Days of Pompeii, The - Lytton - 1834
Les Miserables - Hugo - 1887
Lost World, The - Conan-Doyle - 1912
Manuscript Found - Spalding - 1885
Marie Celeste - J Habakuk Jephson's Statement - Doyle - 1884
Maya, The - An Overview
Mayor of Casterbridge, The - Hardy - 1886
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius - 167 AD
Mormonism Unveiled - Dee - 1877
My Life and Loves - Harris - 1922
Mysteries of Freemasonry, The - Morgan - c.1826
Mysterious Stranger, The - Twain - 1898
Naked Ape, The - Morris
New York Tenements - Vintage Photos and very Special Echoes
Nineteen-Eighty-Four - Orwell - 1949
None Dare Call it Conspiracy - Allen - c.1972
Notre Dame de Paris Hugo - 1831
Nymans - An Overview
Nymans Plan
Odes of Horace, The - Conington - 1892
Odessa - The Jewish Virtual Library
Odyssey of Homer, The - Butler - 1900
Old St Paul's - Ainsworth - 1841
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience - Thoreau - 1849
Pearl of Great Price, The (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
People of the Abyss, The - London - 1902
Phrase and Fable - Brewer
Popol Vuh, The - Christenson - 2003
Popol Vuh, The - Goetz and Morley - 1954
Popol Vuh, The - Tedlock - 1985
Portrait of a Killer, The - Cornwell
Red Book, The - Chairman Mao - 1966
Road to Wigan Pier, The - Orwell - 1937
Roadmender, The - Fairless - 1911
Royal Mail - Its Curiosities and Romance - Hyde
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The - Fitzgerald - 1859-1889
Sayings of Confucius, The - Lyall
Scientific Phrenology - 1901
Sir Nigel - Conan-Doyle - 1906
Sleeper Awakes, The - Wells - 1899
Standen - An Overview
Story of Mankind, The - van Loon - 1921
Tale of Two Cities, A - Dickens - 1859
Tao Te Ching
Tiahuanaco - An Overview
Titanic Breakup - How She Went Down
Titanic Sonar Pictures - 2012
Trail of the Goldseekers, The - Garland - 1899
Tunguska Event of 1908, The - Includes Photographs
Twilight of the Idols, The - Nietzsche - 1889
Uncle Tom's Cabin - Stowe - 1852
Utopia - More - 1516
Vita Nuova - Full Text - Dante
Vita Nuova - Quote - Dante
Vita Nuova - Wilde
Walden, and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience - Thoreau - 1854
Way We Live Now, The - Trollope - 1875
Wessex - Map of Thomas Hardy's Wessex
White Company, The - Conan-Doyle - 1891
Why Do Ashkenazi Jews Have High IQs?
Wind in the Willows, The - Grahame - 1908
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