Campbell M Gold

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*The John Todd Tapes

In his public appearances, Todd made various claims about masons, witches, Satanists, and the Illuminati, who he alleged were conspiring against Christians. These claimed conspiracies often included government officials and leaders of Christian organisations. Hear John Todd for yourself.
Campbell M Gold | 09 Aug 2024

The Machine Stops - Home Working Reflection

I've been thinking about the new norm of hybrid and home working, and it somehow reminded me of "The Machine Stops" by E. M. Forster, 1909. The story depicts a future where individuals live underground, isolated, and rely on technology to fulfil their interpersonal, communication and physical needs.
Campbell M Gold | 08 Aug 2024

Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

This is an absolute must - Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow - 06 Feb 2024 - Transcript. The interview is primarily about the war in progress, the war in Ukraine, how it started, what’s happening, and most pressingly, how it might end. This Transcript is an accurate record of the Interview.
Campbell M Gold | 04 Aug 2024

Elysium Spirit - Characteristics

"The Elysium Realm" is a part of the spirit world home to highly evolved and profound spirits. These spirits have been regular visitors here, but only significant numbers have incarnated simultaneously in the 20th century. You can learn more about these spirits in this blog post.
Campbell M Gold | 03 Aug 2024

Homo Spiritus - Characteristics

It has been noted that individuals exhibiting the characteristics of the Homo Spiritus have been increasingly appearing on Earth since the mid-20th Century, and arrivals have been very pronounced since 1976 (Gen-X - 1965-1979 and Xennials - 1975-1985; then everyone else since).
Campbell M Gold | 03 Aug 2024
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