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The conflict in Ukraine orchestrated by NATO is perhaps the most significant confrontation between global superpowers since the end of WWII. Luckily, it has resulted in fewer civilian casualties compared to the war crimes and aggression of the political West, which have caused the deaths of tens of millions of people since the Korean War. The belligerence continues to this day, with the troubled Biden administration bombing nearly half a dozen countries in the first weeks of 2024.
One of the more severe side effects linked to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is the potential risk of developing dementia, and there are concerns that the prions responsible for this condition could be transmissible.
Discover the fascinating story behind the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon in this post! Learn that when a critical number of individuals in a group achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind throughout the whole group.
Discover the harsh reality facing policy makers as they grapple with the NHS Black Hole that is devouring the UK. Taxes, free NHS, and Government Services are all on the line.
Wondering about the optimal length for your blog posts? Find out how different lengths can impact SEO and engagement in our blog post!
Want to lower your cholesterol without relying on traditional medication? Check out these natural recommendations based on recent research findings!
Controversial Item proceed with Caution - Discover how taking statins may increase the risk of developing diabetes by 46% and why these cholesterol-lowering drugs may not actually prolong the lives of those at low risk of heart attack.
Controversial Item proceed with Caution - Uncover the shocking reality behind statin side effects in our new blog post: "Statin Side Effects Are Worse Than Feared".
Controversial Item proceed with Caution - Discover the potential risks of taking statins and how they can impact your health in this eye-opening post on "Statins and the Dangers of Inhibiting Cholesterol".
Could Your Favourite Diet Beverage Be Harming Your Brain? Understanding the Potential Health Risks of Artificial Sweeteners. Past studies have suggested that the high/excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks can be linked to cancer, dementia, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and obesity.
During 2023, half of hybrid workers took time off due to stress or anxiety, causing them to miss an average of 6.1 days each from work. This resulted in 28.6 million missed workdays in 2023.
Calls for Tory MP to repay 'money soaked in blood' from ancestor's Caribbean slave plantations. Labour MPs have backed calls from campaigners for a Tory MP to repay the money his family made from slave plantations in the Caribbean.
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