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*Wannsee Conference Minutes - 20 Jan 1942

To speed up the future deportation of European Jews and to coordinate the efforts of the state and party offices involved, Heydrich hosted a secret conference on 20 January 1942. It was held in a Wannsee villa in Berlin used by the Reich Security Main Office as a guest house and conference centre. The fifteen attendees, high-ranking representatives of the SS, the NSDAP, and the government, approved a plan that Europe’s Jews would be deported to the Eastern territories.
Campbell M Gold | 30 Aug 2024

Political Correctness Examples - 2024

Political Correctness continues to be a significant topic of discussion, reflecting societal attitudes towards language, behaviour, and cultural sensitivity. Explore examples of areas, words, babblespeak, buzz phrases and jargon related to political correctness in 2024 in this post.
Campbell M Gold | 27 Aug 2024
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