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*And What of Religion?

This is an important issue that the parapsychologist must be very clear about in his mind. Religion can hamper man’s spiritual development, especially when the religion’s god is an absentee landlord who sets laws in opposition by granting man’s freedom and then condemning man when freedom is exercised.
Campbell M Gold | 25 Aug 2024

*Signs of The Stigmata

In Christian, especially Catholic, tradition, the stigmata are marks corresponding to those left on Christ's body by the crucifixion. They are said to have been impressed by divine favour of the bodies of St Francis of Assisi and other stigmatics. A copy of Austin's 1883 seminal work is included as Further Reading.
Campbell M Gold | 25 Aug 2024

*Omophagia and Blood Religions

In blood religions, omophagia is not merely about the physical act of eating raw flesh; it encompasses deep spiritual meanings and rituals. The consumption of flesh and blood is often linked to the belief in absorbing the divine characteristics of a deity or spiritual entity, especially for redemption and sin forgiveness.
Campbell M Gold | 25 Aug 2024

Boss vs Leader in the New Norm

A central part of a manager's or supervisor's responsibility is creating, distributing, and applying knowledge. Managers or supervisors can no longer act as "order-barking bosses" and expect employees to obey and thrive mindlessly. They must coach their team members and give them the freedom and support to fulfil their roles efficiently, with personal satisfaction and a meaningful sense of achievement.
Campbell M Gold | 24 Aug 2024

The Holodomor Famine 1932 to 1933

The Holodomor refers to the devastating famine that occurred in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, resulting in the deaths of millions of Ukrainians. The famine is widely considered to be a result of the policies implemented by Joseph Stalin and the Soviet government.
Campbell M Gold | 23 Aug 2024
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