Campbell M Gold

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Want to lower your cholesterol without relying on traditional medication? Check out these natural recommendations based on recent research findings!
Controversial Item proceed with Caution - Discover how taking statins may increase the risk of developing diabetes by 46% and why these cholesterol-lowering drugs may not actually prolong the lives of those at low risk of heart attack.
Controversial Item proceed with Caution - Uncover the shocking reality behind statin side effects in our new blog post: "Statin Side Effects Are Worse Than Feared".
Controversial Item proceed with Caution - Discover the potential risks of taking statins and how they can impact your health in this eye-opening post on "Statins and the Dangers of Inhibiting Cholesterol".
Could Your Favourite Diet Beverage Be Harming Your Brain? Understanding the Potential Health Risks of Artificial Sweeteners. Past studies have suggested that the high/excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks can be linked to cancer, dementia, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and obesity.
During 2023, half of hybrid workers took time off due to stress or anxiety, causing them to miss an average of 6.1 days each from work. This resulted in 28.6 million missed workdays in 2023.
Calls for Tory MP to repay 'money soaked in blood' from ancestor's Caribbean slave plantations. Labour MPs have backed calls from campaigners for a Tory MP to repay the money his family made from slave plantations in the Caribbean.
It's handy to know about the history of the African Barbary Coast Slave Trade, especially about the current focus (2024) on the UK-based slave industry and discussions about potential reparations.
Historically, the impact of slavery varied across different societies and cultures, and its abolition was not a swift event but a gradual, complex process, which is still ongoing today. Abolition is a struggle influenced by social, economic, and political factors that continue to shape our world today (2024).
"Slavery was established by decree of Almighty God... it is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation... it has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts." Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.
Some practitioners say that 20-word Scripts are "highly potent" affirmations that can accelerate manifested results by 20 to 100 times. But is this True?
Controversial Item proceed with Caution - What does "woke" mean? Where did the term originate? Discover the meaning and controversies surrounding the term "woke" in this eye-opening blog post!
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