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QE - UK Taxpayers to Cover £85-£100bn BoE Losses

UK taxpayers face a significant financial burden as the Bank of England’s Quantitative Easing (QE) program, which involved buying bonds to support the economy during the economic crisis and the pandemic, has resulted in horrendous losses. These losses are estimated to range between £85 billion and £100 billion-plus. Due to an indemnity agreement between the BoE and the Treasury, the UK taxpayer will cover these losses.
Campbell M Gold | 30 Jul 2024

Long COVID - Symptoms and Remedies

Here we are, years after the initial COVID infection, and Long COVID is still with us. Long COVID, also known as post-COVID-19 syndrome, refers to symptoms that continue for weeks, months, or indefinitely after the acute phase of a COVID-19 infection has resolved. Symptoms and remedies reviewed.
Campbell M Gold | 29 Jul 2024

Demonstrations - London - 27 Jul 2024

On Sat, 27 Jul 2024, Central London saw three protest marches, with thousands of participants each, taking place simultaneously: 1) a Stand Up To Racism march, 2) a Uniting The Kingdom demonstration (organized by English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson), and 3) a Trans Pride protest.
Campbell M Gold | 28 Jul 2024

Greenbacks - What are They?

"Greenback" is a slang term for the emergency paper currency issued by the U.S. during the American Civil War in the mid-1860s. Its distinctive green ink recognised it. Initially, the notes were used to finance the Civil War and were backed by the government. However, they were not backed by gold or silver, which led to fluctuations in value and inflation.
Campbell M Gold | 25 Jul 2024
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